chapter 14

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Taehyung can't help but think about kookie and his body, all he could do is lust over his boyfriend, he could barely concentrate on his classes, he started ghosting kook for their own good, it's been a week since they didn't see each other, kook always call his mother to ask about him but he avoids his calls, which makes Koo sad and crying over and over,
But today Koo decided to meet him in any condition.

Taehyung was with his friends when he felt small and soft hands on his shoulder
,he was shocked to see kooki in his class crying, Taehyung get panicked to see kook in this condition, he excuse himself from his friends and they were are in hall way, he gathered Koo's face in his pams " what happened baby tell hyungie,  hyungie will punish whoever dare to make my baby cry" he said in baby voice, which he usually use while talking to Koo, ofcourse he is baby Taehyung's baby, Koo's stary eyes were filled with water and shining, his lips wobble as he spoke " why are you doing this" a tear drip from his eye , Taehyung was confused" what I have did? " He asked in confusion" why are you ignoring me, not attending my call, avoiding me, did you did.. you find someone better " kook asked with teary eyes red nose which is dripping now, seeing Koo being this messy , it makes hate him, himself the most, he never wanted to make Koo cry, he just doesn't want to hurt Koo , but he already did with his actions, he wip his tears with his thumbs caressed his soft Rossy cheeks," no.. no one is better than you buba " he sucked a Deep breathe, Koo crys more" then why were you ignoring me"  ,in rage he stomb his feet, Taehyung chuckle at his kookie's cuteness, " because hyungie was scared of hurting you buba " he said with pleased eyes ," what hurt hyungie , hyungie can't hurt kookie, " he said cutely, Taehyung smile was fade away" you know that hyungie got desires, they were got awake whenever you are close to me bub, I.. I got hard bub... You know that we are teenagers " he is trying to make Koo understand himself, Koo shake his head in denial " no... Hyungie... Why can't you understand I wants you.. I can't live without you... You know.. that very well... I love it when you suck my breasts, ... Please hyungie don't do this to me..." He cries more " bunn please understand , I want you , but your body gets attractes me towards you", koo sniff " so use me, use my body, I don't care, I want you that's it" he stroms and whines and start hitting him with his little fist, Taehyung catch his fist and kisses his hand " are you serious bun " Taehyung ask with so much hope and desperation, Koo nod as his doe eyes was locked with Tae's , " I'm ready hyungie, I want you, and want to your" with stary eyes, Taehyung Cup his face and kiss his button nose, " I'm so happy baby" he kissed his rosy plumpy lips, they both were so into it delicately, after some sweet time Taehyung part away with small peck, " I couldn't wait to taste you it's being days I didn't have a taste of your cute boobies, to night I'm gonna seek into your house just to fuck you", he said with his Deep voice, which makes dizziness in kookie's head, he could bare it and hide his face in his pams sly, Tae love his cute boyfriend and his boobies.

That's a small update as I'm busy so far.

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