part 3

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Taekook is now 14,15 they were doing their things from 5 months , kookie's boob become large then before even Taehyung sucked kookie daily which makes kookie hormonal changes, his boobs becomes oranges size, he loves when Taehyung suck him, Taehyung loves kookie , he likes kookie's everything.  This feelings they holding for each other they can't define, it something which makes their heart go wild, whenever they were together sleeping in each other's arms, Tae love to be close to kook, He always do. But nowadays he doesn't have time to visit kook, kook was really concerned about him and he feels lonely without him, he became habitual to it, to hung out with each other, it's been a week they didn't see each other as tae got project to be completed by deadline, so he was busy and kook didn't want to create any disturbance to him.
Today Taehyung completed his project  he decided to visit kook, he get some gift for his fluffy bunny, Tae loves whenever kookie smile, he loves everything about him, they were together since kookie was 2 and he was 3, they use to play with each other and become best friends and even kookie insists his parents to admit him in same school in which his bestfriend is his Tae hyungie was, they were really comfortable with each other, Taehyung buy some banana milk as it most favourite thing of kook, some ramen, as they learn to cook some of that in their lonely time together for fun, Taehyung didn't know cooking actually but he tried with kookie to company him in kitchen, kookie's mother teaches him sometimes as kook insisted her, kook was really interested in cooking, tae use to help him in chopping veggies and meat for their ramen, he got some pudding as well.
Taehyung was really excited to see his bunny boy, he knocked on door within few minutes, cute fluffy haired guy open the door, he was seems confused and his eyebrows were frown, his eyes were telling that he was sleeping before, kook rub his eyes to clear the visibility , a smile spread over his gloomy face , he launch  himself on Taehyung , he hug him tightly like kola, Taehyung was about to fall but he makes his balance with his one hand he holds his kook's waist and other was occupied by snacks, " wooah baby what are you doing?, do you want hyung should fall on his butt" kook was hiding his face in between Taehyung's neck nuzzle there " yes I do" he said brutally, " such a evil you are little bunny" Taehyung said as he holds tightly on kookie's waist, which makes kookie giggle " why you take so much of time to come to me" kookie said in baby tune " is my baby missing me?" Tae Said as he placed kiss on kookie's head, kook nod still nuzzle in Taehyung's neck, " hmm.. I missed hyungie so much" ," oh my baby I also missed you, now come on get off I need to put this in kitchen", kook whines " no you carry me" which makes Taehyung chuckling at that, and carry kook up kitchen, and placed him on counter as well, kook still not ready to move away from tae, still hugging him, " baby show me your face, hyungie want to see you" Tae said " no you can't see me I didn't wash my face " kook said in small voice" I don't care I want to see you baby "," you will laugh on me when you will see me "," oh come on bun I will not let me see you " after so many requests kook final looks up towards Taehyung there are some changes in kook like his nose becomes more sharp , his beautiful doe eye were bigger than before as he loss his chubby cheeks, he was becomes more thiner than before, his hairs were longer than before, Taehyung's eyes were roaming all around him, " woah baby you looks so beautiful " which makes kookie blush, "and this hair too" ," thanks I guess, what you bring hyungie" kook said " check it by yourself", " oh, you got me banana milk, pudding, ramen, oh wow hyungie how you know about it "," hyung knows everything " tae said proudly as he was impressing kook " so I will cook ramen for you" kook said as he hop down the kitchen counter, which makes his boobs bounce, Tae notice it and licks his bottom lip " be careful bun you will fall" , which makes kookie giggle " haha I will not because you will be there to catch me" which makes both of them smile, kook takes out some veggies and hand it over to Taehyung to cut them, Taehyung sit on dining table and started cutting veggies and kook was boiling the noodles, Taehyung done with his chopping part , kook come and get chopped veggies for frying purpose , he almost done, he off the gas and severe it to Taehyung who was waiting for him, kook served him and waiting for his opinion about his cooking, " wow baby it's so tasty 🤤, I love it,", which light up kookie's face in happiness " you like it"," yep it's so yum" he said with mouth full of noodles,  after eating they both did to was watch movie, there was random movie was playing on T. V. , Which they don't even know there name, but kook was really interested in that, so they decided to watch it as his bun was whining whenever he tries to change it, they both were sitting on couch kook was on Taehyung's lap , Taehyung was not even interested in movie he was was more interested in something else but he couldn't say it to kook, kook was fully concentrationing on movie he didn't even notice Tae's hands were on his waist, he slight his hand in his tee up to his boobs there were still clothed with his bra, Taehyung started massaging it with both of his hands slowly roaming his fingers on them, kook was feeling sudden warm on his neck, it was Taehyung's breath which was hitting his neck Taehyung nuzzle his nose on his neck inhaling his sweet smell, " hmm hyungie what are you doing, it's tickling" as he was feeling his hand on his boobs " I was playing baby, it becomes bigger than before, after so many days I'm getting to touch them" kook didn't mind it and still eyes on movie, Taehyung removed his tee, kook cooperate with him, now kook was only wearing bar on top, there was kissing scene was playing on T. V. , Kook turn around to look at Tae and said " I want to try it with you hyungie, just like that they did kiss each," kook said with his shiny eyes " tae was still busy with his boobs, tae look at TV and placed kook on couch  , tae open kookie's leg wildly and settle himself in between kook's legs he bend down and put his whole body weight on kook, he bend down and captured kookie's lips they were really soft, Tae kissed him with so much of hunger, which makes kookie whines in to his mouth, Tae back a way to let kook breathe "hyungie do you want me to dead" kook said with heavy breaths and pouty lips which was coated with Taehyung's saliva, " not really" tae said with embarassing on his deed, he back off and was ready to stand when kook hold his collar and pulled him in and another  peck he kissed his lips and back away " what are you doing now", tae was confused "what I did" tae ask scratching back of his neck in confusion, " why are you back a way don't you like to kiss me " kook said with glossy eyes which makes tae warried" no bun l love it "," then why are you back away "," ahmmm actually I didn't know how to kiss properly ", which makes kook laugh" really hyungie "," yeah I didn't did it before " " so how we going to try it ", kook made sad face with adorable pout," hey kook-ah don't be sad l will learn it for you " he said to kook" really!! And how are you going to learn it" ,he asked with querious eyes " Tae showed him his cell phone" through internet ".
Both were settled on couch on there previous position kook was on Taehyung's lap Taehyung holding his cell phone in his hands searching about kiss, they got many tutorial they, after 30 minutes they decided to do it practically , now tae placed kook on couch they both made eye contact Taehyung asked kook for permission who nod in answer, they both lean towards each other, there lips got attracted Taehyung placed his hand on kookie's naked waist and pulled him closer and Full forced himself on kook he licks his lips and bite on his lower lip which makes kookie moan and open his mouth Taehyung catches the opportunity and slight his tongue inside younger's mouth and taste every corner of his mouth kook was kissing him back with same passion, Taehyung back away when he noticed kook was breathing heavy, they both are out of breath, " how was that" Taehyung asked " umm.. it was good hyungie" kook said with sweet smile, tae's gaze were set on kook, and kook notice it " huh! Why are you staring at me like that" kook said with confusing look " Bun you forget something" he said with a questioning look, kook smirk at that and said " what hyungie I didn't remember!" He said it with an innocent face which makes tae pissed off he stands up and collect his phone from table and was about to leave kook hold his hand and make him stop " hyungie stop were are you going" kook pulled him back on couch and pulled him on top of him hover on him, " is hyungie is mad on me" Taehyung didn't say anything, kook cup his face and quickly peck on his lips, which makes tae smile at that but didn't react so much, kook opened his bra strip and throw them on table, as Taehyung was not looking at him so he cupped his both boobs and started to bouncing it in intensional to gain Taehyung's attention , " look at them hyungie they were really desperate to get suck by you hyungie " kook said in seducing voice, he pulled Tae more closer and placed his mouth on his boob Tae was still sulking he didn't attach his mouth on his nipple, " come on hyungie I am sorry for that I did it for fun only" kook said with pouty lips, which makes Tae lift his gaze and look at his pouty baby and kiss on his cheeks and attached his mouth on kookie's nipple, which makes kookie breath stuck in his mouth as sudden wormth Taehyung licked his bud of his sensitive nipple, which makes kookie's breathe wild, Taehyung pin kookie's hands above his head, he started licking strips all over his naked body, kookie arch his back in pleasure, which gives more access to Taehyung , Tae leave his hand and hold his pretty waist, kook was still holding on couch with his small Frist,  Tae sucking on his boob he placed his mouth on all dark area sucking it and make sipping sound he sucked his nipple and leaving it with pop sound,  he kissed all over his chest and collar bone, sucking on his boob making red marks all over his chest, and collar bone, he lick over his stomach which makes kookie moan shamelessly, " aahmmm hyungie want more " as he pulled tae more closer to his body, roaming his hands over Taehyung's back, Taehyung licked inside his navel , his one hand continuely massaging kook's left boob with his veiny hand, they did there work for hour and kissed  for a while.

That's it for today's chapter
I need some sleep 😴🥱 bye bye .

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