part 4

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Here kook and tae both are very close to each other, tae away suck his nipple whenever he visits, it being 7 months now, still there parents didn't know anything about them, kook's boobs are getting bigger than before, he lost his weight to, he didn't know what happened with him but it was a Sunday, Mr.  Jeon and Mrs. Jeon got a holiday so they decided to go on a trip but Kook said he doesn't want to so both his parents were out, Kook wanted to spend some time with Taehyung , so he called him within a ring, Taehyung received it" hello"," Hello hyungie"," hello bun what's up what my bun want to do"," hyungie come to my place, I want to hang out with you hyungie", kook said in please voice " ok I be there in 10".

Just like that Taehyung came to kook ,
Kook was not bath yet so Taehyung decided to make some instant snacks for them for the movie they are gonna watch.

Kook takes a long bath he came out in his bath robe he is not shy in front of Taehyung, as he saw him naked so why not, he came out as his hair is wet  and water dripping from his hair, his cleavage shown very well , it bounces whenever he walks , his  robe was loosely tied up so it gain Taehyung's attention, his gaze were stuck there, milky white fluffy ball inviting him towards them , Taehyung was sitting on couch and kook came and settle beside him with jumped on couch near to Taehyung " hyungie let's watch movie" he asked and started checking for good movie.
Taehyung can't help but his gaze was constantly stuck on kookie's boobs, kook was fully constructed on TV but here Taehyung's hands make their way towards kookie's robe and he slipped into it , kook feel cold hand on his right boob his cheeks trun pink, he turned towards Taehyung " hyungie what!!" Kook said with a shy smile " baby I just want to hold them they look so fluffy "  he said with smirk, he put his both hands inside the robe and cup both boobs and started massaging it, kookie feels different sensation and warmth in his chest , Taehyung squeezed both of them with lots of pressure which makes kookie whines in pain and there is something warm come out from his nipples as Taehyung can feel liquid on his hand, he got panicked and kookie too, " hyungie what was that "he  asked " c'mon kook opened your robe let me see" as kook opened his rop there was his pink nipples leaking milk dripping on kookie's stomach, " oh bun you are producing milk " Tae said with excited  " oh hyungie what should I do with this milk " kook said with panicked face" don't warry baby hyung is here I will drink your milk as Just like babies do "  Kook wanted that as his nipples are leaking milk, so he nod in agreement " c'mon hyungie drink it it's leaking all over my body " Taehyung didn't waste any time and pull kookie on his lap and remove his robe from his upper body cup his boob and lact on his boob and started sucking it, kook through his head back in pleasure, " woah kook you taste too sweet" Tae said as he hungrily suck on his boob, Taehyung hold his waist tightly with both of his hands, Kook feels tickling, it makes kookie giggle " hyungie it tickling" Tae make sipping sound and licks all over his chest,  kookie can't himself self any more and moaning in pleasure " ahh Tae... Mmm... I feel so good.. suck me... More.." with that Taehyung looks upward at kookie with puppy eyes Still sucking on his nipple, " what baby.. you don't like it" kook asked with doe eyes, Taehyung released his nipple with pop sound and said " no baby you taste so good and sweet just like strawberry milk , you smell so good too " tae said and kissed kookie's boob with pop sound, " can you lay down so I can drink it easily " tae said as he placed him on couch, kook nod and lay down on couch,  kook arch his back to give more access to Taehyung, Taehyung lick over his stomach and then start licking strip under kookie's boobs and sucking on his bulky globes and giving wet kisses over his chest and collar bone, which makes kookie moan and his breath goes heavy with every kiss, Tae kiss his both nipples and then placed kiss on his lips and started sucking his lips kook kiss him back, he can easily taste himself in Taehyung's mouth, Taehyung roaming his tongue inside kookie's mouth with hunger, with some good minute of kissing they parted away " yum you are so yummy baby l love it" Tae said and nuzzle his face inbetween his boobs, he cup his both boobs and rub them closer to his face pressing it in.
Which makes kookie giggle " aahhaa Tae it tickling mmm." Tae set between kook's legs and bend down to flick kookie's nipple with his thumb and index finger, making kookie whins , and liquid drop though his nipple, now Taehyung attached his mouth on other one and sucking soul out of him.
Kook put his hand in Taehyung's hair and pulled him more closer as possible, " aaahh... Mmm.. Tae just like that, suck me more..." Kook said as his eyes were teared up in pleasure.

After good minute of sucking kook, Tae fall sleep along with Koo on couch as nipple in his mouth and head on kookie's bare boob which is empty do to regular suction, other boob was leaking milk, kook was sleeping under Taehyung's body weight.

After 20 min kook opened his eyes he was feeling pain in his left boob when he opens his eyes he saw his hyungie sucking his left boob in his sleep and incompare to right one left one becomes small in size, he pulled out his left boob out of Taehyung mouth and pulled Taehyung head closer to his right boob which is leaking on his couch he cup his left boob and guide it in to Taehyung's mouth.
And make him suck on it, kook was giggling by watching Taehyung sleeping like baby in his arms while sucking his boobs.

And make him suck on it, kook was giggling by watching Taehyung sleeping like baby in his arms while sucking his boobs

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