Heavenly Bliss, Give Me A Kiss

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The group of friends were in a spaced out circle with beers, shot glasses, and various bottles of liquor lying around. They were having a little get together after a hectic month at the shared apartment of Yeji, Jimin, and Aeri.

"Let's play a game guys." Aeri yelled out.

"What is it this time Uchinaga?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow as she left an arm around Minjeong's shoulder.

"Oh you'll see. Minjeong is going to love this one." She winked.

Minjeong grimaced as she exchanged looks with Jimin who was across from her. The latter laughed at her expression and it made Minjeong's heart leap in her chest.

"Okay so the rules are simple." Aeri caught everyone's attention again. "We block our peripherals with our hands like this." She demonstrated her her hands cupping the sides of her eyes so her only line of vision was the front. "Then we ask a question and whoever we choose we have to look at them. If it's a broad question, like 'Who do you think has the best sense of fashion?' you look at who you think and if you both look at each other then you're just out. But if it's something like, 'Who would you do a body shot with?' and you both look at each other then you have to do it. And you have to be honest."

Jimin took a sip of her beer before leaning forward to ask a question. "Where are we gonna get the questions from?"

Aeri smirked. "I'm not that stupid to forget." She reached in a plastic bag that was set next to the couch and took out a pair of index cards and pens. "Everybody writes two questions each and fold it up. We'll take turns pulling them out of the bag and you win by being the last one or whenever we run out of questions."

She distributed the cards and pens while they all got quiet as they wrote stuff down. About five minutes later, Aeri was shaking the bag filled with questions and offered it to Ning first, who was sitting right next to her.

She pulled one out and read, "Who here has the biggest ego?"

Everyone stopped for a moment to think and process it before they started covering the sides of their eyes.

"Ready? One, two three."

Everyone looked at someone, Minjeong directed her gaze at Jeno because he's such a playboy. She won't say it out loud but he's a douchebag for not recognizing Jaemin's feelings for him, who coincidentally was also sitting next to him. Jaemin is too nice and let it go, but Jeno just doesn't seem to understand what he's missing out on.

Her thought was broken when she heard shouts of protest right next to her. "Yah! Choi Yeonjun you better look away right now!" Ryujin yelled.

"Me?! I should be telling you that. Everyone knows I don't have the biggest ego here, it's you!"

"You little-"

Minjeong grabbed her before she could advance towards the boy. "Alright, alright. You're out, and you're both even for choosing each other."

Ryujin and Yeonjun huffed before scooting out of the circle.

"Anyone else out?" Aeri asked.

Everyone else shook their heads and the round went on. The next person to pick was Yeji and a smirk fell on her lips at the question.

"Who would you go on a date with?"

Minjeong swallowed thickly as she tried her best to remain calm.

"Hey, who wrote that?" Ryujin complained.

"Doesn't matter. Rules of the game, now be honest. And those who are out," she directed her eyes to Ryujin, "please keep silent."

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