My Neighbor Is Supergirl?

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This is a converted story :)

The first time Jimin sees Supergirl fly into Minjeong's window is the same night Supergirl puts her brother in prison.

There's a flash of movement, and the window, which was open a second ago slams shut. An unmistakable red cape dangles out, caught between the window and the skill, and Jimin watches, her heart in her throat, as the window opens a crack and the cape is yanked in. What the fuck?

She stares out her window at her neighbor's house for a long moment, blinking hard over and over again as if she had just imagined it.

It was just two hours after she had turned off the news, hands shaking. Her mother was silent, eyes glazed and unfocused, and Jimin knew she was blaming herself for the hundreds of deaths Jamie had left in his wake.

After the TV screen had gone dark, she lingered on the couch for a long moment, opening her mouth as if to say something to comfort her mother. But if she had to be honest, Jimin was blaming herself too. So she had just left silently, trodding to her room with shoulders filled with lead.

The worst-case scenario comes to mind first. Maybe Supergirl knows that Minjeong is close with Jimin. Maybe she's interrogating Minjeong for information or involvement. Maybe she's telling Minjeong to stay away from Jimin.

The thought makes fury surge up inside of her. Why did her brother have to become a supervillain? Why did he have to be like their dad? She thought he hated him.

Jimin curls her fingers into shaking fists, mentally cursing out Jamie. Her whole body trembles with the knowledge that he's killed hundreds, destroyed families, destroyed lives. How her father has done the same.

Jimin doesn't sleep all night, just glares out the window and holds back tears.

Supergirl doesn't leave all night either.

The next day, Jimin finds out that Jamie's effectively ruined her life too.

No one will walk within a five-foot radius of her. People whisper to each other and point discreetly with their eyes and fingers when they think she's not looking. There are muttered curses and the name Yu is spat around like an insult, and Jimin mentally screams I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry , as if she can telepathically apologize for her brother's actions.

(On the bright side, at least hallway traffic is hardly a problem for her.)

She sees Minjeong for the first time that day in class, fully prepared for Minjeong to avoid her, just like everyone else. She keeps her head down, shoulders hunched as if she can make herself smaller, sink into the ground, stay invisible. Maybe she'll just quietly switch seats, or maybe even classes.

"Jimin," a voice whispers, and she turns her head to face Minjeong. "Are you okay?"

She stares at Minjeong. What?

Minjeong adjusts her glasses self-consciously. "You're looking at me like I have two heads. What's wrong?"

"Why are you talking to me?" she hisses back. "You know what my brother did."

She looks confused. "You're not your brother."

Jimin feels a hysterical laugh bubbling up in her throat. "But... but he's my brother. We grew up in the same family- aren't you-"

She's cut off by the bell that signals the start of class.

"I'm sorry," Minjeong tells her, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

The teacher doesn't look at her all period, but the warmth of Minjeong's hand lingers in hers long after she pulls it away, and that's enough to make her smile softly to herself.

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