My Girl

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This is a converted story, but I hope you still enjoy~

Minjeong was not impulsive, nor did she make decisions that could greatly affect her future. But somehow, hearing her girlfriend pout and whine and complain through her laptop makes her question her inability to say no.

"I'm sorry, what did he say?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as she continues to listen to her. Jimin's been updating her on the new members of the drama club and how one of them was literally a bigger stuck up than all of them combined. Jeno even comments that the guy had a stick up his ass when he overhears his step-cousin ramble about the guy — his name was Heeseung — to his ex.

The taller girl tries not to get into detail, knowing that even if she denies it, Minjeong gets heated. And when she does, she tends to do impulsive things that could end up biting her back in the ass. She has two more weeks at NYU before the end of the semester and she could go back to Salt Lake. To be honest, there's nothing going on at the damn school and she just wished she didn't take up the offer but her friends told her to try and now here she was! Seven hours and twenty one minutes, 534 miles apart from her girlfriend when she could be in her arms at that very moment telling her how pretty she was.

Under her stare, Jimin knew she would fold. So she does, taking in a deep breath and lowering her gaze onto her lap, "He said I should remain a back-up dancer considering that all I do is mess up my lines."

Hearing her say it out loud, and for Minjeong to actually hear it be said without her mind being scattered, makes her clench her fists under the table. She maintains a pretty straight face, frowning just a bit, well, a lot, as she tries to reassure the other girl that what he said was bullshit.

"Rina, don't listen to some new guy that's probably never stepped foot in a production, okay? What role is he supposed to play anyway?" She asks, tilting her head sideways when Jimin laughs nervously, "Troy."

Minjeong's stomach churns. Miss Kang decided to have another production of High School Musical, except this time, for Senior Year. They would do HSM 2 but the Freshmen took it upon themselves to do it two weeks before summer break.

"And I'm Gabriella." Jimin adds and the pencil she had been playing around with suddenly snaps in half. "Oh."

The thought of having Jimin act in love and kiss this Heeseung guy makes the gears in her head turn, her heart sinks and floats into her throat at the same time and... Minjeong was not impulsive. But sometimes, change is good!

She ends the call with Jimin soon, making up some bullshit excuse like how her dorm had a scheduled blackout in half an hour and she had to charge. Jimin looked like she bought it and as soon as she was not on her screen, the shorter girl began to call Beomgyu, while simultaneously searching up flights back to Seoul. She books one that was cheap enough that it won't make a dent on her wallet, but expensive enough that she won't be able to buy matcha lattes for two weeks. Doesn't matter, she's going back home anyway! And her stuff is packed! She's just coming home in advance!

He picks up as soon as she was printing the ticket, putting her phone on speaker while shoving the remaining items she had in her dorm into two large duffel bags, "This is Beomgyu, what do you want, Minjeong?" He asks, his voice scarily peppy for eleven in the evening. "Cut the crap, I need you to pick me up at the airport."

Beomgyu was convinced that she was pranking him, sitting upright as he lowered the volume of his TV, "Excuse me? Don't you have two weeks left at NYU?" He asks, pressing on the video call button to which Minjeong accepts, propping her phone up as she puts her notebook, the final thing that isn't packed, in her bag.

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