Chapter 3

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As Faith stepped off the carriage, she felt the vibrant energy of the city enveloping her. The bustling train station was alive with people showcasing their unique styles, from elegant dresses to tailored suits and bowler hats, a true reflection of the fashion-forward spirit of the era.

Outside, the iconic red omnibuses passed by, a quintessential sight of London's transportation system. The air was filled with a delightful mix of sounds, from the chatter of passersby to the clip-clop of horses' hooves and distant melodies played by street musicians.

The cityscape itself was a captivating blend of historical landmarks and Victorian architecture. Towering buildings with intricate facades coexisted with centuries-old structures, beautifully capturing London's rich history and contemporary allure.

As Faith stood at the carriage stop, waiting for a ride to the academy, she was surprised and comforted to see a familiar face. Dr. Watson, a friend of her Grandfather and a colleague at the palace, appeared before her, dressed in a distinguished yet understated manner. His presence brought a sense of reassurance and a connection to her family's past.

"Faith Holmes?" he asked with a warm and reassuring tone.

"Yes, Dr. Watson," Faith replied with a mix of surprise and delight. "It's wonderful to see you here. Meeting someone familiar in this new city is unexpected."

"Ah, the city holds many surprises, my dear," he chuckled. "I happened to be in the area running errands, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to offer you a ride to The Academy For The Aces. After all, I am quite familiar with the place myself, having attended it in my youth." He pointed to her uniform with a smile.

Faith was curious and excited to hear about his experiences. "Yes, Grandfather had told me how adamant you were about joining."

Dr. Watson nodded with a wider smile. "Indeed, it was an extraordinary experience. Holmes and I shared many adventures during our time there, and I have no doubt you will have your extraordinary journey ahead."

"Thank you, Dr. Watson," Faith said gratefully. "I would be honored to accept your offer of a ride, though I do wish my Grandfather were here. Have you gotten any word since...?" She questioned, but he shook his head in response.

"It's my pleasure, Faith," he replied warmly. "Hop in, and we'll make our way to the academy. I do not doubt that you will make your mark, just as Holmes did." He smiled, trying to lighten the atmosphere, and Faith smiled back.

As they left the carriage stop together, they engaged in a lively conversation, reminiscing on old memories of her Grandfather. Their discussion came to an end when a grand mansion, unmistakably The Academy For The Aces, came into view.

"We're here," Dr. Watson clarified.

When they arrived at the academy's entrance, he handed Faith her luggage. "Thank you, Dr. Watson," she said sincerely.

"You're welcome. I do hope you enjoy your stay at the academy; it's not as bad as you perceive it to be," he reassured.

"I'll try," Faith sighed in response.

"Well then, I'll be on my way now. It was nice seeing you, Faith," Dr. Watson said, and with that, he tipped his hat and left her standing before the imposing iron gates.

With a mix of nerves and excitement, Faith took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to embark on her journey at The Academy For The Aces.

The Academy For The Aces: BOOK 1 OF THE ACE SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now