Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Romeo's skepticism was evident in his voice as he asked, "My uncle?"

Faith continued to study the book, her brows furrowed in confusion. "How did this even get here?" she wondered aloud.

Dr. Watson chimed in with an explanation. "According to Madame Lavigne, she said it was mailed to you by your parents, along with a couple of letters from them."

Faith's curiosity deepened, and she posed another question. "Do you think she noticed this note?" Dr. Watson's response was a noncommittal shrug, leaving them all to ponder the possibility.

Malcolm voiced a practical concern, one that had likely crossed everyone's mind. "How are we going to get to Arden? It's not like there's some magical portal."

However, Andrew's response held a surprising revelation. "There is."

Malcolm chuckled dismissively, clearly not taking the idea seriously. "Right, and Thomas Edison is my grandfather."

Antheia playfully nudged him, quipping, "Malcolm, Thomas Edison is your grandfather."

Malcolm's embarrassment was evident as he cleared his throat and continued, "Right... so how do we open the magic portal? Abracadabra? Open sesame?"

Andrew scoffed at the suggestion and removed a simple gold ring from his finger, displaying it to the group. "With this," he declared. The ring bore a carved infinity symbol.

Puzzled glances were exchanged among the group as they examined the ring. Andrew elaborated, "It's the ring of Arden, what I used to escape Arden and come here. Only members of Arden's royal family can use it."

Malcolm's skepticism was now replaced with determination. "Alright then, let's do it," he said, and the others nodded in agreement.

However, Andrew's voice held a note of caution as he added, "You're not all going."

Daiyu immediately protested, "Why not? The more the merrier, right?"

Andrew shook his head in response. "Unfortunately not, Daiyu. In this case, the more, the deadlier. Arden is not like what they talk about in the fairytales..."

Amidst the protests and discussions, Andrew's voice cut through, decisive. "Instead, Faith and Romeo will accompany me."

Antheia let out an indignant huff, ready to argue, but Andrew's explanation followed. "You guys need to be here and make sure nothing goes sideways anyway."

Dr. Watson interjected, redirecting the conversation. "Sorry to interrupt, however, we've all shared our findings, but what about yours?"

At that moment, a clear and commanding voice echoed in Faith's mind, catching her off guard. *Don't tell him,* it instructed, and she mentally responded, *Who are you?*

*Your Intuition,* came the unexpected reply.

As Andrew began to speak, the voice in Faith's head urged her to act. Ignoring the baffled looks around her, she wrapped her arms around Andrew in a sudden hug, effectively preventing him from revealing their findings to Dr. Watson.

Andrew played along, whispering in her ear, "I'm guessing I shouldn't kiss and tell?"

Faith nodded subtly, and Andrew continued with a lighthearted explanation. "She's a bit cold. What better way to warm up than with a hug? We'll tell you all about our findings after we return from Arden. It's not that important anyway."

Antheia chimed in playfully, "Alright lovebirds, let's focus on our task at hand."

As the hug ended, Faith glanced at Antheia, emphasizing, "Friends. Regular friends. What's wrong with friends warming each other up?"

"Exactly. Now, let's focus on the task at hand," Andrew added.

Their attention then shifted to Romeo, who confidently took charge of their attire transformation. A single word, "Changement," saw Faith's uniform morph into a beautiful sage green dress, its intricate embroidery dancing along the hem.

The transformation wasn't reserved for Faith alone; Andrew and Romeo stood adorned in ethereal garments, marking them as distinct visitors in the Arden realm. Daiyu's lingering glance toward Romeo did not escape Faith's notice, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Andrew's gaze settled on Faith and Romeo. "Alright, I need you both to hold onto me." Addressing their friends, he reassured them, "We'll be back soon."

Antheia's voice was laced with concern. "Be careful."

With the ring of Arden held firmly, Andrew closed his eyes briefly, and the world around them shifted. Colors merged, shapes blurred, and their surroundings transformed until they were standing amidst towering trees. A dense canopy above them filtered the light, leaving only fragments of the sky visible. Faith couldn't help but be awestruck by the breathtaking scene that enveloped them.

Andrew's voice broke the silence, laden with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Welcome to Arden."

Romeo chimed in with an impressed tone, "Impressive. I see why my uncle decided to live here."

Faith's voice held a genuine appreciation, "It truly is beautiful."

However, their serene moment was once again interrupted by the voice in Faith's mind, a sense of warning. "Someone is near," she alerted Andrew urgently.

Andrew's demeanor shifted instantly, and his senses heightened. As rustling emanated from a nearby bush, a voice pierced the air, calling out, "Prince Andrew, is that you?"

"Korren!" Andrew responded, relief evident in his voice. He called out again, "Korren, it's me, Prince Andrew!"

From the shadows emerged a tall, dark-skinned boy with pointed ears, and an elegant golden bow and arrow held in his left hand. With a few more steps, he revealed himself to be Korren Elywnn, the Duke of Elves.

Prince Andrew introduced him to his companions. "Faith, Romeo, meet Korren Elywnn, Duke of Elves."

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