10. ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴄ / ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ

373 20 2

(Third Person POV)
3rd Site

The bat swooped across the site. A huge, dark orange bat, and its name was Vampire. Any piece of code that it bit would start to crumble and delete itself. Thankfully, this site had no inhabitants, so it was just Group C and Vampire up against each other.

Other Purple lunged and grabbed onto the ear, tugging it as it screeched and tried to bite her off.

"BE CAREFUL!" Other King called after her.

"Easy, Betty!" She climbed onto its back and tugged on its back fur. Feeling her on its back, it started to shake and fly wildly, trying to shake her off. Other Purple seemed to be having the time of her life up there.

Purple, sighing and shaking her head, flew up near the beast. Landing and grabbing one of its wings, she twisted it downwards.

"The hell are you trying to do?" Purple yelled out.

"Finding a way to land this puppy!"

"Well that's not how you kill a giant monster!"

The wing snapped under Purple's strength. Vampire screeched again and locked its angry eyes on Purple. She started to be shaken off before King leaped up and cut a hole through the same wing, which in turn made Vampire start to tumble and fall towards the ground. Purple grabbed King and started to fly off the bat. Other Purple scoffed and lifted off as well.

It crashed into the ground, desperately trying to fly again. All four of them landed on the ground in front of it.

"So what now?" King reattached his spear to his back.

"We kill it, duh." Other Purple unsheathed a knife from her belt and walked over to the head, which was slumped down. She started to climb up the jaw when all of a sudden the bat sprung to life again and lashed at Other Purple.

It clamped its mouth around her. Other King paused for a moment, hands trembling, as if this had happened before.

"NO!" Other King yelled out, rushing toward it himself, spear in hand. Changing the spear to a sword, he slashed Vampire across the eyes. It wriggled in pain. Leaping upwards, he spun down and beheaded the bat in a single, strong slice.

Vampire stopped moving entirely, its jaw loose. Other King rushed over and pried the jaw open and grabbed Other Purple. Once he had her, he carried her away from the thing.

"Purple.." He whispered, laying her onto some debris. He felt her head, cheeks, and pulse.

"Ugh.. Dad.. I'm fine.." She murmured, pulling herself up. "No need to panic. I'm completely fine. ..jeez. Did you behead that thing?"



"Don't do that again.." He started to check her for wounds.

"Dad.. I'm fine, seriously."

Watching the moment, Purple decided to check in with everyone. She pulled out her radio and turned it on. A message immediately came through the receiver.

"Resistance Yellow. Group D. Our website is being evacuated, it's unsalvageable. We lost Recruit Yellow and Recruit Red. I'm sorry. Over."

It took a second for the words to process through her head, but once she did, she gasped. She looked at King, who had also heard the same words she did. Purple had only blinked a few times before tears started to fall down her face. She didn't reject it as King pulled her into a hug.

"Is something wrong?" Other King had only now picked up on their sorrow, making his way over. King explained what happened.

"Oh.. oh no."

Soundlessly, Other Purple walked up beside him. Purple sobbed into King's chest as another sound came from the receiver.

"Resistance Green. Group E. I don't think so, but I can take the refugees. I know where the sanctuary is. I'm making my way over, go support Group A. Over."

Purple turned hers off as Other King turned on and spoke into his radio.

"Resistance King. Group C. Our threat has been neutralized. Going now to support Group A, unless help is needed elsewhere."

Since no one responded, he turned off his radio and put it back in its holder. "I don't mean to interrupt your grieving.. but.."

Taking a deep breath, Purple stood up straight, wiping her face. "I know. I know.." She suppressed a sob. "I'll cry later. We should get go-"


Someone was running at them from the distance, panting tiredly, but still running.


When he got near them, he took a few breaths and slowed down. He was mad about something, she could tell from his tearstained face. He'd probably heard what happened too.

"Purp.. I need your wings, someone's wings.."


"I'm gonna go avenge our friends, that's why."

Purple grabbed his wrist. "Blue. No. That's a death wish."

"I've acted on a lot of death wishes before. I'm alive, right?"

Purple looked between her, Blue, and the other three. Her hands shook with the decision she was about to make. Hesitantly, she detached her wings and put them on Blue.

"Please.. just.. be careful. I don't think any of us can take any more loss right now."

"..no guarantees." Blue sighed, and took one last look at Purple before taking off.

The four then started to make their way towards Group A's website in dead silence. The tension between everyone was too much to speak.

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