19. ᴅᴀʏʙʀᴇᴀᴋ

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(Third Person POV)
Plains, Outskirts of Stick City

"I feel like we're walking right into a trap." Other Second remarked, walking through the trees. "These coordinates were sent directly to us."

"I feel like it's mockery, more or less." Other Yellow shrugged.

They had received the location last minute. Though suspicious, it was the only thing they had, so they followed it. The trek from the Sanctuary was long, but now they were close to where the location supposedly was. They went in with no plan, no coordinated moves, just a goal. Stop _nala at all costs.

The group reached the large clearing. They were surprised to see nothing but _nala and Other Chosen just standing there, waiting for them. Other Chosen seemed to be fumbling with something in his hand, nervous.

_nala eyed them down.

"..stay here until I say." Other Second looked back to his team, then turned back and walked forwards into the early dawn light.

An uneasy silence brushed over the land as the two stared at each other.

"Hello there, little soldier."

"Don't even." Other Second shivered at his old nickname. "I know more about what you did to me now than before. I know what you're going to do."

"Aw, someone spoiled the surprise? I can only guess who.."

"That power is rightfully mine."

"Finders keepers, Second."

Other Second clenched his fists, nearly to the point where they bled.

"Second, my dearest creation.. you misunderstand the point of all of this. I'm only trying to heal this sick and twisted world. Your friends say I did it all for 'no reason' or just because I'm evil, but that was never the case. We could've been heroes together, but you revolted, leading the people who I had helped into rebellion."

"You 'helped'? Last I remember, you were killing them."

"Only because they resisted. Do you think, when I take over a site, that everyone in it dies? No. It's just on lockdown. I'm aware of the deaths that have occurred, however, I can easily restore them."

"Life and death isn't yours to play with."

"I know, I would just be fixing my mistakes."

"The problem is the fact that those mistakes were death in the first place. We all feel pain, _nala."

"And it's a shame that we even feel pain in the first place. I'm trying to fix this world, and I'm going to do it. I'm going to fix it, and no one will ever feel pain ever AGAIN."

_nala signaled to Other Chosen. He planted the object that he was previously fumbling with into the ground, causing the ground to crack red. The earth shifted and lifted a chunk of itself into the air, higher than the tallest building in the city. Thunder started to gather and crackle, sending down rain and red lightning.

A small machine set itself up at the top. _nala rested himself there.

"Send out everything we have, Chosen."

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