17. ʜᴏᴍᴇʟᴇꜱꜱ

363 16 6

(Third Person POV)
Resistance's Sanctuary

Other Second twisted and turned, waking up and feeling the burns. He didn't recognize the place he was in, so he sat up fast, trying to get a read of the room. It looked.. okay. Not something _nala would make, but still sketchy.

That was until he remembered drawing this small bunker for a citizen. His heart raced as he tried to get out of bed, falling down to the floor. No. No no no no no. If _nala was here.. if he found out about the Sanctuary. He gasped for breath and tried to get up.

"Woah, hey, get back in bed!" Other Blue ran over and lifted him up. He struggled.

"No.. no no.. please tell me we aren't where we think we are.."

Other Blue dragged the cover back over him. "We didn't have a choice. _nala found our hideout.. and it's gone. This is the only place we could go that _nala wouldn't chase us into."

"..it's gone..?"

"Went up in flames. Everyone was really worried about you, though. That explosion looked like it hurt.." Other Blue tried to change the topic, blinking tears away as he poured cooling ointment on Other Second's burn marks.

"..it can't be gone.. no.."

He laid back down, breathing lightly and letting Other Blue work. The rest of his team came down after Other Blue was done. They sat on the edge of the bed. Unexpectedly, it was Other Second who pulled them all into a hug, despite being injured and burning. It was near the first time they ever saw him cry. He completely broke and sobbed into his teammates, friends, anything.

"I don't know what to do.. I don't.. I just don't know.." Other Second let out a sob, squeezing his friends tighter. "I don't have a plan.. I don't.."

They all hugged him back, comforting him, while also surprised by his sudden vulnerability. Other Red spoke "Second, we're gonna make it.. we still have time.."

"No.. we don't.. we don't have time.." He hicced and sniffed. Hesitantly, he let them go. "We don't have time. _nala changed his plans. It's tomorrow.. I have no way to stop it.. I don't have plans, nothing works, and I just don't know what to do anymore.." He hyperventilated and let out another ugly sob, curling up.

Stunned silence filled the room.

"I'm so sorry.. it's too much.. I can't do this.. "

"We will." Other Green grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "You have us, Second. That's not gonna change. We've been fighting side by side for years. We're gonna buckle and bend sometimes, but no matter what, we keep fighting. So what if we don't have a plan? We lose a lot.. including our home.. but we don't go down that easily. We'll make it up as we go, as soon as we find him. And if it turns out bad, we go down together, right?"

Everyone nodded and agreed. Other Second sniffed and looked up.

"Right. I- sniff ..sorry." He wiped his tears away. "I shouldn't have freaked out like that.."

"No, that's ok Second. You shouldn't be apologizing." Other Yellow lightly patted his back, careful of the burns.

"I.. I love you guys so much." Other Second smiled somberly.

"So do we."

They sat through another hug, Other Second still calming down. Once they all let go of each other, Other Second sat up. "I need to talk to the other us."

"Why?" Other Green let go of his hand.

"I just need to."


It took a while to get Other Second back on his feet, but once he was, he had gathered both groups together.

"Ok.. now that everyone is here, let me explain. You see the white barrier all around this area? It's a powerful barrier that stays up as long as the members of the Resistance are alive. If one dies, it grows weaker. On the other hand, if one is added to its strength, then it will grow much stronger."

"So.. why do we need to know this?" Second tilted his head.

"Because I want to add you all to its strength. If anything goes bad, the people need a safe place, and doubling the strength will ensure safety. This also comes with responsibility. You all will be able to open and close the barrier around this place at will, so you must promise to NEVER open it for anyone associated with _nala or any other enemy of the Resistance. Can I trust you with this?"

Understanding the responsibility, everyone nodded as Other Second pulled up a command prompt and started to type. "You'll feel a bit lightheaded, but it's part of the process."

As soon as he finished typing, the barrier glew brighter. People looked around at what had happened.

"It's done. Reunite everyone. We're gonna train.

And whatever happens tomorrow? We will face it head on."

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