How it all started

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First of all let me start by saying this novel is just a spice up view from an extra point of the famous book my vampire system, the book is still on going when I start writing this so some information would be withheld till an appropriate time
Also I would apologized for any error found when reading this book, it all due to the device am using to type at the moment, aside that nothing else as I believed you would love the story same way  you the original series
Do encourage the work by comments and reviews, best hit the vote button too as if will raise my moral of writing even more, am also open to idea and points that could be modify, with all that said and done. Do enjoy the book.
The beeping sound of mechanical device beeping loud it penetrate the soul of even a dying man could be heard within an hospital room a young man has just been rushed into, outside the door was a tag ICU
he is missing a leg just below his lower waists and one of his hands only had from the elbow upward, his vitals from the monitor keep reading unstable as the doctors and nurses inside where doing their best to save the situation

At such situation where people would show sympathy on such figure, a roar voice could be held from outside the door responding to another crying voice pleading wirh him for something, "no way am wasting a dim on that disgrace of a thing you call my son
It would have gladden my heart so much he came as a miscarriage than the bundle of ridicule he had brought our family"

"But he is still your son no matter what" cried the second voice

"Woman, my stand remains the same, I rather give that money need to commence advance surgical operation on him to a drunk to go get drunk, than pay a dim here, he is good as dead to me by the way" was the reply that came as an answer from the man

"It wouldn.....!"

"Woman! One more word about this, my you can't withstand my wrath, if you so much care about him, go find the money yourself, nothing of the Davis family wealth would come from me to him" the man shut the lady before she could plead her course

"Let me know when the doctor confirm he is dead, at lest I can do him the favour of securing his grave and to also make sure the Davis family name isnt inscribed on his grave tomb when he is been buried" those were the last words I heard from someone I call my father

Damn I felt so pissed even in my dying bed, I wish so much to just have a few seconds to give him a good punch just before I die, with that my soul would rest in peace, at last that too couldn't be granted to me,  I could hear the monitor beeping rapidly with the doctors rushing around to try and save the situation

How did it come to this again?, yeah I recall it now, at least now am at death point my life is playing past my eyes in slow motion so I can relive each of the painful torment  I went through over again till I draw my last breath

Been the first born of Adam Davis my father, the official CEO of Davis science and mechanical empire, one he inherited from his father and the father before him all the way to seven generation past, I was expected to be the successor and new emperor of Davis empire

On the other hand I don't have passion for the family business, I have my own dreams and ambition, I had a drive deep within me I couldn't ignore, I wanted to be a writer and screen director, the amazing stories filled up in this worlds were the only thing that give me the thrill and zeal to keep living

but that dream is like an enemy to my father and his family heritage, I was forced to follow the rule and learn the same thing others before me had learnt in school, science and all that crap out junk, but it never could fit in my head well, as a result I came out with a very poor result

That was when my trouble increased, the lady betrothed to me called off the marriage, which was supposed to be an alliance of Davis empire and another big empire, taking he Davis empire to another level

My father had day dream about this achievement so much he always boast about it to any ear that could listen, he is the only successor that had succeeded in achieving this fit amongst all of the Davis predecessor.

With the marriage called off, he couldn't bear the shame and reproach hence he poured all the anger on me, disowned me, frozen my account leaving only a surviving amount to live up for just three months while  chasing me off the family residence I lived in

His pride was restored when my younger brother came out with flying colours two years after my coming out of school, with my father had work he was able to reinstate the marriage alliance, using my brother as his bet

Long story short I was on the street surviving, doing an minor work to survive while I pursue my dream, but that too is proving difficult as all companies want to take in an expert with good degree and reference, I was just returning from one of such dejected refusal, when I saw a kid running into the road to pick up her toy while her mother wasn't looking

There was little time to shout out to the discussing mother carried away in her discussion, secondly shouting might startle the baby causing things to play out the wrong way
seeing the speeding car approaching from the other side of the street about to take the curve, the second that car makes the turn, its would be directly in front of the child no two ways about it

i was left with no other option than dashed over as fast as I could to save the baby from the approaching car, luck wasn't so much on my side because the moment I got close the car had already made the bent, the driver didn't expect a kid to be on the road, I pushed the child of the trajectory of the car whose driver had put his all hitting the brake, causing the tires to screech all the way till it got to me,

I took the brunt hit, the car sent my flying to a shop at the other side, crushing into it with the hard glass doing he rest of the Job to which am in this state, 'what a life I said toy self as my consciousness drift away from my body permanently

"Walk up will you, I don't have all day" a voice echoed in my ear Amidst the darkness that had envelop my consciousness at which I have resigned my fate, my eyes stutter open and was met with a blinding light burning my eyeballs so badly i forcefully closed them once more

After some seconds I opened them back slowly till my vision adjust to the light, before me is a que of people floating toward a figure sitting lazily on a throne like sit with a huge status of the peace and equity behind her

I turned and could see many others behind me waiting for me to get over with what ever purpose it is am here for
"you have a very pitiful life back when you are alive, sorry but shit happens, not all are supposed to live the golden spoon life" the figure before me whom I can't really see his/her face as its figure is a bit hazy and the voice like that of many choir making it hard to tell spoke to me

"Luckily for you, you accumulated a single life saving karma, I'll thank my stars if I were you else you would have been on the road to recycling" the figure added causing the frown already on my face to deepened even more

'Sh*t happens my a*s, why don't you go down there and live the life I lived and come back to telle sh*t happens' I spoke in my head watching the figure going through a screen that had just appeared by its side

"You are indeed lucky, the karma you accumulated is good enough to give you another chance in a separate universe, a universe in accordance to your deepest desire, pick a lot from the box beside you" the moment the words came out a box appeared beside me

I pick a single folded paper from the box as it disappeared like it was never there, the paper too burned into ash wirh few words appearing in the screen in her hands, "great you now let's move on with the rest process shall we
You have selected a universe know as my vampire system universe, you are to pick on of the many abilities displayed before you, celestial or godslayer alike it your choice" a new screen appeared before me

"My vampire system universe, isnt that one of my favourite novel or am I hallucinating" I asked surprised at everything going on before me with knitted brow

"You are not and yes, its a universe you think you know from a novel bit in truth it is an existing universe the author of the novel had a peek insight to, where do you think all this wonderful stories come from if not from an existing world.
This world truly exist, one ones mind is at peace and in deep resonance, it would transcend the boundaries of the natural, giving them the ability to peel into the existence of another word at which they draw inspiration from and knowledge from"

My Vampire System (Novel Extra)Where stories live. Discover now