Red portal planet

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finally it was mid night and way past curfew time, no student is allowed to be outside their rooms, adorning on a good robe I slipped out of my room, heading in a general direction, dodging a few official in night watch as I was out of the lounging area heading for the portal area

Arriving at the door to the portal room I scanned my environment once more to be sure no one is around, I waited for the guard stationed there to move a bit further doing his routine check up on other area when I dashed for the door

Stopping right in  front of the door locked with passcode device, without the authorized pass code no one can gain access to the portal room, it kind of made me wonder who else had the portal room passcode at the time peter betrayed Quinn and volden trust

Well that isn't my problem to find out, I placed my hands on the passcode device and few second after I got access to the room with a sound of beeping and hissing sound coming from the door as it slide open

Stepping in quickly before the guard would return, I pushed the door closed back once again, locking it the way it was, on this side of the portal door, the guard had rushed back hearing the door hissing sound from where he was
Coming over though he saw the door is still locked the way it was the last time he checked it, confused over the matter he let it lie thinking it was his mind playing trick on him, while on the other hand I was in large room and there were several large metallic objects with an oval shape in the middle. Each one of them had a glowing circle in the middle shinning with a different colour. These where the portals that takes one to another world.
There were a total of nine machines in here, three of each colour and for a moment, it felt like i couldn't take my eyes off these things, just like the Novel says, it truly captivating and amazing to behold
Getting off my revelry of the excellent work of the portal o went to work, placing my hands on one of the three portals, making sure to avoid the one Quinn would go in to in the possible future, once the portal is fully activated I jump through and was gone from the academy unknown to anyone
Once my vision adjusted to the new environment a forest like view came in sight, tall tress double the size of what was back on earth surrounded me from all angle, the temperature here if am not wrong is a bit lower than earth also and as for the gravity level, its no joke to say it on an higher side than that of earth

Leaping into on of the tree I trail my way to the top wanting to have a good land mark of where I am, on reaching there I saw from all direction I turned towards, it like an endless land of forest vegetation, now I got to know where the best level in this place would be extremely high

Not that far from the tree am on, I saw a pack of wolf basic tier beast scavenging through the forest, a smoke arch in my face as they are the best candidate to test out my strength with, getting off the tree I ran in the direction I had seen the beast and in no time arrived there

I didn't hide my presence either but walk right into the gathering of the beast hat loung at me the moment my figure came in view, the first beast that got closer to me before the others leap into the air with its made wide open to bite of my head
Earth rose up in front of me trapping his head in place the second it got close to my line of attack, while still struggling to free itself I dashed out with two earth made sabers power and enhanced with energy into the group coming behind it

Sound of whimping and growling lasted for a few moment till everything went silent, standing at the center of everything is me with my twin saber starring at each of the beast trapped in earth pillars struggling to free themselves

"Hah, too weak and easy" dusting my hands front he saber that had turned back into earth dust as I walked to the nearest beast by my side, placing my hands on its body I activated the qi drain on it, with my changeable energy I got no fear of hurting my self if my body could handle beast qi
The moment the qi got into my body, it changed and became energy point for me, when am done with the beast been that it was dead as I have absorbed all its life force, I was only able to get a total of ten energy point from it

Repeating the same process on the other beast I got a total of 170 energy point from all seven basic tier beast, seeing I still got a long way to go and time isn't on my side I decide to go into a hunting frenzy, first I made a seven copies of myself, sending them into different direction on hunting frenzy as I picked up a direction too

Time past like that slowly with me killing every beast I come across, basic tier, intermediate tier and even got a two advanced tier beast, giving my 1000 energy point each, now my energy point had gone up to 9000+ from all the energy points am getting from my clones

Stepping away from the dead body of a advanced tier lion type of beast that had giving me a bit of tough time to defeat, I heard the chattering of people heading my way, I quickly climb up the nearest tree for safety, I have no idea how powerful the people coming are

Soon after a total of seven people, five male and two females, all clothed in beast armour showed up, from the look of things, they are travelers, the leader of the group squat down to touch the beast body after which a frown itch on his face

"This beast is recently killed, its blood is still fresh and the crystal hadn't been taking out yet" standing up he scanned the entire area, the other took a defensive posture in case of a sneak attack, travellers job isn't just risky because of beast but other traveller's as well
"We don't want to fight, we are just passing through and stumbled here by incident" the leading figure continued, his grip firm on huge battle axe beast weapon, the two girls had spear, one of the male had a dagger , while the rest had other weapons of their specific

"Isn't that the exact opposite of what your action say" my voice came from above one of the trees, slowly climbing down, when they saw it was a kid they all relaxed a bit,
"are you the only one here, where is your team?" The male with the huge axe didn't slip up, his grip on the axe was still firm as ever, it even a bit tighter now seeing me, there is no way he is going to believed someone like me took down an advanced tier beast alone

"Am alone" ignoring his careful disposition, before everyone eyes I went over to the dead beast gorging out its crystal, waiting a few more seconds with no one else coming out, the greed of man kicked in

"That's very bold of you kid, you must have found the beast in an injured state and finished it off, you are indeed lucky, too bad you had to meet us" the leading figure spoke once more after he confirmed am all alone

A frown itch on my face, I'd expected this from them, but seeing it happen still pissed me off, it reminded me off the time I was been bullied by my own family, raising my head to the side sparring him a side glance I asked in a joking voice
"What do you intend to do, since I happened to have run into you guys" pulling out the crystal slowing and stylish so it could even intrigue them more to go after it, taking the chance to also scan my energy bar to see it was still rising slowly

"I don't want to harm you kid, hand over the crystal and we would let you go or...."

"Or what, you are going to kill me and take it" tossing the crystal up and down in my hands with a bright smile

"Seems like you want it the hard way, Noah go teach this kids some manners and bring back the crystal" ordering one of his team mate out to deal with me as he looked for a comfortable place to watch from

The person who stepped out as Noah is the male holding a dagger, he smiled at me playing with one of the lair of his dagger before he dashed towards me in an amazing speed, he is a speedster ability user
Drawing closer to me he stumbled and next minute he was heading towards a tree as I have side step with my movement been enhanced by energy, he couldn't stop himself fast enough as he hit the tree head on, falling back on his ass in dazed

This moved had shock all other party members, the easiness they had flew off the window seeing what had happened, the most shock is the leading figure who had got up on his feet seeing what I did and the mocking grin on my face.

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