A deal is a deal

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is moved had shock all other party members, the easiness they had flew off the window seeing what had happened, the most shock is the leading figure who had got up on his feet seeing what I did and the mocking grin on my face.
"You are an earth ability user, I didn't know the military had such skillful official, no wonder they let you explore this planet on your own" I wonder what gave me away that he had to think am related to the military
"Though you are a military official, hope you can do me the favour of giving us pointers" his attitude took a complete 360, "let's do it this way, if you defeat all of us we would give you an advance crystal we got before coming here but if we win
You would be giving us your advance crystal, I guess going against all of us isn't unfair seeing you took care of an advance tier beast it took all our effort to take down all by yourself"

The deal felt fair enough, at least its no longer a death match, though I would have still prefer that since I could drain them when am done, either way this I better, I gave them an agreeing nod and all of them got back together taking a battle formation

Like before, it was Noah that came to attack first, using same trick twice won't work on him, I had the element of surprise at first now they all knew what my ability is, raising an earth wall around me a thickness of about fifteen inches as defense, I created earth spikes and haul it at Noah who kept dodging but finding it difficult to get close because of the wall

Right then my senses start screaming at me, turning to the direction I felt the danger coming from I noticed wind blade at been shot at me from the other three males, accompanied by water bullets from the two females

I had to raised the wall over my head to deflect the attack while reinforcing the wall with energy to stop the blade or bullet's from penetrating through, at that same moment I felt a huge vibration go through the entire earth wall, checking my energy bar my thought were confirmed

The wall had just withstood a huge blow and I've lost a chunk of energy point, if my guess is right, the huge attack should be coming from that axe wielding figure, I didn't get time to think about it as another bang went off within the structure of the wall

Defense isn't the best option here, I really wish I got a more powerful attacking ability other than he versatile earth ability, either way I have to make do with what I have, punching my hands out from within the earth dorm I had surrounded myself with
Earth spike shot out from the body of the wall towards all direction, the team where quick to evade the attack one way or the other but it had buy me time to go on the offense, I dropped the earth wall, surrounding my body with earth forming a full body armour on myself reinforced with energy while wielding two earth sabers also infused with energy

The fight had gone to a malowee battle, taking one the three most troublesome ones first, still that prove to be a problem as the axe wielding tans Noah won't allow for such a slip up, their formation is indeed strong and am losing energy quickly

With a powerful swing from the axe wielding figure my body was flang off the ground my feet had been pinned on moving with the help of earth manipulation ability since am covered from head to toe with thick solid earth

I have great ability but lack great combat experience, if this is a death battle with a powerful figure, I would have been dead by now, refusing to take a defeat not because I was going to lose an advance tier crystal but because I can't have such record in my list I did something out of instinct
I combined two abilities I never knew could be combine or never thought of the possibility of it ever happening, it was like my mind was on auto function refusing to take defeat, the earth armour around my body broke down in an instant, reforming and taking a proper outline armour on my body like real armour

I felt the earth became more flexible and easy to use, it was like I have a connection with the earth and could do anything I wish from it, with a simple command in my mind, huge chunks of earth popped out from different place around Noah's team breaking down to take the form or a robot

A total of fifteen earth robot surrounded the group that that thought they had the battle in hand, this didn't just startle them, it dumbfounded them to the core the lost the will to fight seeing the numbers of earth robots

"Steve what do we do" one of the water ability user asked the axed figure lost for what to do, they can't tell the strength of the earth robots but believed it to be my soul weapon which meant it would be pretty strong if not as strong as me

"We fight, if we lose, we lose fighting" Steve replied increasing the moral of his team mate as they charge out once more

Still trying to get the hang of what I could do with this thing, I saw they were once again charging in towards me, Steve in particular as he left the others to deal with the earth robots, I gave a simple command in my head to the earth robot and to my surprise the launched into action

Firing earth spikes upon earth spikes while dashing in for close combat fight with the others, any part of their body destroyed would instantly regenerate using the earth beneath their feat as a source for recovery

Steve arrived before me swinging down his huge axe, rolling over to the side I evade the attack while shooting up from my lying position, he regained his bearing quickly, throwing a punch at me with is other free hands

I sent one of mine too, when both punch connected he was pushed back flapping his hands in pain while looking at me who hadn'obe from my spot in shock, as for me I was marvel with the out come of the move
I felt like I used part of earth strength to deal that blow just now, my feet merge into the earth beneath me, giving me good grip and force at which I used against Steve, at that same time, the others called in from the side
They are been over powered by the earth robots that kept regenerating, soon they would be out of mc points and can't defend themselves again, Steve saw everything and tiredly plead defeat, he couldn't help but wonder where such a monster had been hiding with in the military force

Deactivating my ability, all earth robots fell to the ground crushing into dust particles, while I felt an heavy weight lifted from my head, this robots had all been connected to me mentally, thank the heavens I had a special kind of energy that help strengthen my mind

Its crazy what that ability could do, worse of it all I felt I have only touch the surface of what that ability could do, I had just merge the green ability together with earth ability giving me the ability to control a technological earth

The earth seems to go through mutation with the used of this ability giving them a technology feature, I can't help but imagine the things I could do with this stuff or even better what I could do mixing abilities together
The only down side I could feel for now is the heavy burden it place in ones mind to keep the ability running, for something like this, it isn't a big deal but if am to create or do control something bigger and more sophisticated, it would be an issue

"Here is your crystal" Steve threw over an advance tier beast crystal over to me with gritted teeth, "a deal is a deal and am one that honour deals" he added before walking over to the others sitting on the ground exhausted after the battle
"That was your soul weapon right?" He asked when he got sitted down, he too need the rest to regain his mc points from the battle

"You can put it so" taking my sit too to speeding up my energy point recovery, I've taken a portion of it to upgrade the green ability to a 3x level just same way I did to the earth ability before coming here

"Are you still sticking around here for a while, if you are we can stick together to hunt more beast, it would be quicker with you around
As for how we'll split the income when we are done, It would be 50-50, my team take half and you get the other half. What do you say?"

Looking at my time, I figured I still got a few hours left, it isnt a bad idea to work out with this group, it would help strengthen my battle experience, so with that I agreed to work with the team but for a few hours
I gave a crazy excuse as to while I would be leaving in few hours but, if they don't mind, am willing to tag along, else we go our separate ways.

thank you all for reading up till now, I truly appreciate it, please do me a favour of dropping a review, let me know what you think of this book and if you like it please vote in some power stone.

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