New world

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Listening to her explanation more got my head to an exploding point that I just decide to let it rest, you would be wondering while I said her, well I just feel OK calling he/she an her, with that settle I scan through the abilities displayed on the screen

Celestials and godslayers alike, just as she had said, many enticing and world breaking abilities I never really got the time to explore with my imagination during the book reading was displayed before me, I checked through all of them and finally was left with three choice of my liken

The blade ability which is sil and it is written here, the Shadow ability of Quinn and mundus time ability, I was having an hard time to decide when I recall something I've just been told and thought it best to take my chances in explore it properly

"Would choosing any of this ability change the story plot line" I asked before making a huge decision

"No it won't, everything would go in as it should be if the extra which happens to be you didn't change things or make much of a drastic change" she replied a bit impatient

"Fine I choose this" I tapped on the ability I choose and the rest grey out after she had asked me if am sure that is the one I want to choose

"The karma you accumulated is still a bit left, you can't go to this new universe with anything existing from the old universe, thus I have converted it to three things for you to make things ease and fast
you can add or remove anything you wish from the ability you chose.
You can asked for one item of your choice anything at all, weapon, armour and so on, and lastly you can asked for anything you wish for, like race change, unlimited mc and the likes, sonlet get started

I thought hard on this point, I only get one thing of each, what should I do, I have to Let imagination run wide here but at same time keep it tame not to lose out, after a long hard thought on everything, I came up with an idea

"I want a mental archive exclusive to me alone that allows me save and delete any anything of my choice I which to save,, been item type, bloodline, ability, energy, skills etc, anything at all, to be used unrestrictedly with half the initial demand be it permanently or temporarily with an overlord function

Two I want the highest level nest crystal and lastly I want a human body with excellent affinity to mana and qi, and could cultivate soul and mental energy as well, to put it short, I want a human body with excellent affinity to all sort of energy" my smile was so broad as I could seem the blur on the figure face flicker a bit

I had asked for a couple of things in one making it hard for her to go back on her word, with nothing else to do, she wave her hands at me, a multi coloured light entered my body after which she asked me what time I wish to be born

I quickly select the time frame I wish for and was sent off quickly before I would asked for something crazy again, with that my vision went dark one more time, but this time I had great hope for the future.
Time seems to past on a slow motion, I always feel so tired and sleepy in this dark moist environment, anytime am awake I do my best to cultivate my soul and mental energy, for all I know that is a huge flaw in the universe as none cultivate that

Been a reincarnator, sensing my mental and soul energy wasnt a big deal, I could feel the tennis ball size blue energy floating at the dept of my body, the longer I train it and get use to it, more I found out I don't usually tire out like usual

Slowly and surely my progress and not it's a football size floating in the dept of my now complete body, the soul and mental energy so much help me I could scan every part of my body proper, at that moment I felt a contraction and with it the process of been delivered

Coming in to this new world my eyes that wasn't open could still outline the feature of the people around my with the help of mental energy, the man standing next to the lady am in her hands, whom I believed to be my father is caressing my face after I had gone through the usual baby stuff of crying and been cleaned up before been handed to my mother

The thought of suckling her made me a bit sour but I got to get use to it, I know the period am been born in, its not a peaceful time at all and I can't waste any time or resources to get stronger, with my body still in  tender age I couldn't cultivate qi but I never relent on soul and mental energy cultivation

Often time its only my mother that is around with me for the first three years as my father is away doing military work, after which my mother soon joined him when I turned five, leaving me in the care of baby sitter

I didn't care, now am five my body could handle qi, so I dive right into it, sensing it wasn't hard, thanks to my excellent affinity to all sort of energy, but controlling it is another hell of a job, it wasnt like my soul or mental energy that was a bit obvious due to reincarnation

This time I have to start from scratch, I didn't become disheartened instead I pour my all into it, for a kid my age, I was doing three training in a stretch, soul/mental cultivation, mana cultivation and qi, I didn't forget to do the simple work out to make everything ease

A year past like that and I have got the hang of all three energy, my work out truly helped alot, but the problem now is all energy are fighting for dominance inside of me, my inside is like a war zone and more I cultivate, more I am prone to get blown up

Life still felt lonely for me here, going to school, cultivating and physical training, all made me isolate myself away from people, I put my body to breaking point either with qi, mana or mental energy then let it heal back slowly only to get stronger than it was before

Finally I hit ten, the time to awaken my ability, it came like a tide and now I got four different energy inside of me, qi, mana, soul and mc cell energy, the war had increased, since I have trained my body all this while waiting for this day

My mc cells awaken wasn't the regular average everyone get at the first sign of an ability, thank heaven I asked for a status window to keep tab of my growth at the last minute I was offered to chose a system or a guardian guild in this universe as gold finger entity, I refused all and only took a statues window

Damn those system bullsh*t I said at then, looking at the status window I could see my mc points is over three hundred from the normal hundred it should be, I guess pushing the body sure did pay off, but that isn't what is important to me

There is a bigger plot in my mind from the first day I made all the request and now is the time to perfect them, a huge crystal appeared in my hands, it was colourless brimming with energy and life, this is one of the things I request for as item wish

Nest crystal is known to be used for many things, and am here right now to attempt something that hasn't been considered before using nest crystal. I sat down crossed leg with my eyes closed, the nest crystal on my hands as I focus with all my heart

Using the nest crystal energy I slowly began to absorb after some in tuning, I guild it down to my dept where all four energy are fighting for dominance, making it now five, but that isn't my plan, with the nest crystal energy slowly spreading it began to push all the energy to a single angle

After which it cover all four energy, now comes the hards part of my plan and trial, I start guiding all four energy within the nest crystal energy and was using the nest crystal energy to fuse them together into one

I coughed out mouth full of blood with first try but didn't dare leave the energy to run amok inside of me, slowly with the raising of the pain, is the fusing of the energy into one, a completely new and different energy

I sat still for a total of seven day before I exhausted the nest crystal and perfectly harmonized all energy inside of me, immediately the energies completely fused together creating a new form of energy, great fatigue and pain hit me, I lost consciousness

Next time I opened my eyes, it was in an unfamiliar yet familiar place, the hospital, gaining information of what transpired shock me to my core, a total of a year is gone like that, I would have died a second time if not for the nany who had come to check on as she usually would by tapping on my door to ask if I care for anything else

this time around when she tapped I didn't responded like I used to, tapping a few more time she still didn't get any answer which got her worried, unable to stay still she broke the rule I set for her not to enter my room, long story cut short here I am.

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