planet caladi

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When the wall came down my hands are are covered with huge earth gauntlets, it outline made it look like a real gauntlet, if not for the texture, same thing for the chest piece and boots, I was adorn in a complete body armour set made out of earth

Dashing towards the dazed volden I threw my hands out to punch, my speed once again shocked him, it wasn't as fast as Noah or the double speed I used against the king tier beast but still it was fast to notice the difference with natural speed

Snapping out of his daze he raised an earth wall in front of himself to block my punch, when it connected a low bang sound rang out with the wall breaking to smoulder, he had to Dodge to the side to evade my punch that had its speed and force reduced by the earth wall

My feet screech on the floor halting my speed, turning over to volden I had sped past I cross my hands over my head, there and then a border crushed into my crossed arms pushing me backwards a bit

Behind that boarder is a dozen earth spike flying towards me, with volden trailing behind, or should I say with raten trailing behind, just like me raten had created his own gauntlet with earth on his arms throwing a punch aimed for my face

Those punch landed on an earth wall while I dashed out from the side of the wall to counter with a kick of my own, leaning forwards he dodge the kick causing it to pass him by hair length, twisting his body still on his lean position, he threw out his hands accompanied with earth shooting up from the ground to impale me

The distance was too close and am up in the air, maneuvering would cause me injury or huge lost of energy point due to been hit directly, joining both hands together, the gauntlet merged together before spreading thin to form a shield enforced with energy

Pushed further into the air by the attack of raten, he sent more which I did my best to evade either by twisting weirdly or chopping down on them with the gauntlet now reformed back on my arms, when I landed I kicked off once again towards raten

With each step am taking, more earth climb up my body forming a complete full body armour increasing my size a bit and the thicknesses of the earth on my body should be impossible for one to move but I was moving with ease

Raten didn't chicken out either, he covered his entire body in earth and pushed forward with the help of earth manipulation, throwing his own punch at me, the moment both fist connected a bigger bang sound than the first resounded from the area and a figure could be seen flying of the area

Raten got up with a roar of rage, a human size little crate was formed on the wall he crush landed on, cracks spread from that point a bit further in the wall, he was about to dashed back in the stage when someone stepped in front of him

"Its enough" the person was none other than our weapon and combat teacher Leo, he had arrived here to have a personal training when he noticed the battle going on between me and volden, hr decided to watch from the side

At the entrance of the door teacher Fay and Del stood still starring at me, I didn't recall when this many people showed up, I guess I was too carried away with the battle, next minute Fay is on the stage with me, grabbing my hands to inspect my watch with curiosity on her face

Volden had taken control once again calming down raten, he walked over to where Quinn and the others stood, "Leo you didn't tell me yo got such good students in your combat class" Fay said still inspecting my watch

Leo didn't respond to her question, instead he got his eyes locked on me, he was having a lot handling one with a different type of energy, now he had come across another, what got him even railed more is the amount of energy he could feel from within me

"Leo" Fay called out once again, cutting his line of thought

"I didn't know myself" he spoke quit truthful, he hadn't seen this version of me, my clone had attended his class but it didn't really catch its attention but seeing me today it looks like am a different person he hadn't seen once.

"You all go back to your dorm or anything else you wishes to do, Moby Kayne you are coming with me" turning to Del and Leo, she asked then to come along with her as we all head for general Mike office since the head general isn't always around"
We've finally arrived at planet caladi, the place bustling as usual, though we were teleported to random places, I have a place in mind to head to and that for sure is passed the red zone, from the story I've read, Quinn met with dalki here but just a single one, if my guess is right then they should be an hidden dalki shelter somewhere around
Excusing myself from the group for a moment I made a copy clone and send it back to the group while I head I to the market area to buy some clothes change, stepping in one of the stores selling clothes a young lad came over to attended to me
"How can I help you sire"

"I need a good hood clothes, the best you can get me if possible" leaning at the counter before me in a more relaxed manner, I wasn't in haste cause I want all the students and teachers to arrived first before I begin my move

Soon the lad returns with a black hood jacket and black leather pants, paying for the clothes j swap my current one for these, it fitted perfectly well, pulling the hood over my head I exit the shop heading for the red zone

Taking a couple of quick turn here and there avoiding student's on the way I went passed the red zone even faster than the fastest team, all thanks to my speed, going past the abandoned house Quinn would be arriving soon I dashed on

My search continued for a good while till it became fruitful, right before me is a little shelter of about fifty or so dalkis, all of one spike, they were loading
As for the reason the where here, its so obvious in front of me, a lot of beast could be seen in cages, they most had come to gather beast they would use in creating more dalki from this planet or maybe they caught them just for the crystal

What ever the reason maybe, they won't be living here alive, if only I could absorbed their life force, time to test something I have done since I returned from my training, earth rose from the ground surrounding my body forming complete set of armour

Pulling out a few crystal I got on the way here, I place one crystal each on each of the piece on me including the earth gauntlet, the earth wrapped around it, holding it still while pure crystal energy run through the earth armour

Channeling my own energy into the armour, it mixed up with the crystal energy withing the armour further enhancing it, done with that a slight smile arch in my lips, time to clean up this mess before the others come

Dashing out I arrived before two dalki pulling in a cage, my speed was to fast for them to react as a punch was already aimed at their end, my punch created a wind breaking sound smashing the dalki head to paste the instant it connect

"Great, here I thought they would be more resilient to deal with" the others had noticed the sudden death of their comrade and is already charging towards me, clapping both gauntlet together I charged in to meet them

Not a single one put up any resistance when met with my fist or kick, seeing how I dealt with all the dalkis easily, one of them bolt into the ship while I was still busy clearing up the others, in a quick motion start up the ship, taking to the sky

By the time I'm done with every last dalki the ship is already high in the air, it was planning to leave the planet, I controlled all the armour piece on my body to move to my right arm, creating a sort of robotic earth arms powered by seven crystal while pouring more energy into the mixed

Once done with that, I aimed my palm towards the leaving ship, all beast crystal energy was immediately drained converging on my palm mixed with a good portion of my energy, in a single thought it shot of from my palm heading for the ship while the force push my feet deep into the ground

An explosion went of on the ship causing it to lose it flight ability falling back towards the ground but in another direction, black smoke coming from the ship as it land with an heavy tud sound distance away from where I was

A frown itch on my face, if am not wrong where the ship fell should be where a dalki ship was seen in the original series, what the hell is happening, was it a  coincident or  this was meant to happen
If I had not come here, would there had not been an incident of the dalki at which peter almost lost his life where he was later on turned in to a ghoul, I was lost for words, thinking everything true for a while I shook my head with a bitter smile.

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