king tier beast

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Our team broke through the forest like a tide, killing every beast we come across, which where mostly basic tier and intermediate tier beast, we met a few advanced tier beast too and quickly deal with it using combine force which increased our moral to keep hunting more, especially for the team mates

My clone aren't so lucky, in a long run they had parish meeting a strong advanced tier beast and I couldn't create new ones since am working with the team, it wouldn't be wise to show more on my arsenal, it have never been heard of one person possessing more than one ability, the only family that could do that is kept away from the knowledge of the public

On a by stand my energy level had increased to a wopping of 15000+ energy points, no opportunity to drain a beast pass me by, they never understand why I have to touch every beast immediately it dies of stop them from finishing off a beast when its on its last leg.

Walking through the forest in search for another beast when all of a sudden I screamed out to the team puling the water ability user beside me down while raising an earth wall in front of us, Steve responded fast pulling the other lady, while Noah pushed one of the wind ability user out of danger range dashing away from the group

Strong sound wave attack hit the earthwall I used as barrier blocking what ever it is that heading my way, even with the energy reinforcement, the wall kept breaking and repairing itself with my energy point dropping fast

Five seconds later the attack stop, a total of 3000 point had gone out of my energy point, dropping the barrier I saw the other two wind ability users in front of me wasn't so lucky, brain matter mixed in blood pour out from their orifice, the both are dead

There wasn't time to morn the dead as the source of the attack is upon us, coming out from within the bush is a huge spider with pointing Sharp legs, the attack that had killed those two came from it screeching, the moment it came in full view I felt chill run down my spine

"We have to get out of here, that is a king tier beast" Steve cry confirmed my thought, unfortunately the beast had no plan for anyone to escape, raising it body upward with all eight legs, it brought its caudal tip forward shooting web bullets from its spinnerets, killing the other wind ability user left

I thought wise not to defend against this beast seeing the amount of energy it took out of my energy point in on go, throwing both of my hands forward, huge earth spike spear shot up from the ground heading straight for the beast while I roll over to evade a web bullet aimed at me

Maneuvering my way to get back on my feet a clanging sound resounded from the position of the beast, both spear spike had hit the beast dead on the mark but not a scratch was made on it, its hard exoskeleton is no different from iron

Naoh is busying dodging web bullets while the two water ability users left were raining water bullet on the beast while also retreating in the process, I didn't stop firing spear after spear at the beast though it wasn't doing any damage

With the multiple attack coming in the beast from different angle it enraged it more it raised two of its legs into the air in rage, with its head facing the sky, bringing it down back once more,  it was accompanied with that deadly sound wave attack

Its agro focus on Noah giving it tough time with the constant striking of its dagger on it legs anytime he got the opening, Noah is fast but he is no where faster than sound wave trailing him anywhere he run to

Punching my hands on the ground from where I stood an earth wall rose up behind Noah who the attack had caught up with, saving him in time before he meets its end, the fury of the beast increased seeing the earth wall saving Noah it dashed forward to deal with him personally

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