Night Crawler

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2777 words ❤️
Lemme know how this is! Enjoyyyyyy.
Fan art is not mine!! Creator is credited with a watermark.

"Fine. Fuck you then!"
Slamming the door to the small home you share with your mother and sister, you walk away red in the face with anger. Your sister Cammie was back on her bullshit. Despite the close bond you had, you still fought like caged bears. This time was like any other, she'd worn your favorite shirt out on a date with her stupid boyfriend and threw up bright orange Chicken Curry all over it. I mean seriously. Who eats Chicken Curry and then chugs vodka till 2 am? An idiot that's who.

You knew this argument was stupid and you'd be over it within the next hour, but it's the principle of it. She owes you a new shirt.

As your anger fades, your pace slows and you're able to pull the fog from your head as the cool night air brushes your skin. Crickets and frogs sing with the night time choir, bringing a smile to your face. Passing this pond meant you were close to Eddie's.
Still you couldn't help but to stop and listen for a bit. Sitting down among the tall grass on the bank. Letting your bare feet graze the top of the water, soaking in the stillness of the night.
After a few minutes of blissful peace a car passes by, spooking the frog that had wandered your way out of curiosity. He jumped back into the pond with a plop, and you took that as your sign to get back on the path to Ed's. As you stood brushing yourself off, a rabbit emerged from the cover of the bushes lining the woods behind the pond. It stood for a moment as though it was frozen, before darting off to the left. A rustle from the trees prompted you to leave just as quickly as the rabbit did.

Rounding the corner you came upon the trailer park, the dirt and gravel road a welcoming site. The closer you came to the houses the more noise of neighborhood you could hear. Tv static coming from an open window, the radio playing as a car started up. The trailer park wasn't really the picture of privacy but it made you feel at home.
A dog barked from behind a fence as you passed by, prompting the owner's porch light to flick on and a muffled "hush now!".
You smiled as you recognized the home stood before you. The light in Eddie's room was on. Good he's still awake... you giggle to yourself as you creep up to his window. Planning to scare him shitless.
You peer into the dimly lit room, watching as he walked past the window toward the cassette player sitting atop his dresser. You could see the contemplation on his face through his mirror as he chose the next set of songs. The longer you looked the more like a fucking creep you felt, but he was taking so long to turn around. Just before you make your move to tap the window, you notice that his shirt seemed to be tie dyed... since when does he wear tie dye? He turned slightly as he lifted his shirt above his head and flung it to the floor, gasping as you realize that no, his shirt wasn't tie dyed after all. His skin was tinted a brownish red, the color obvious against his pale complexion.
His head whipped around to the window, his eyes wide with surprise. Popping your head up you stare back at him, watching his face relax as he recognizes that it's only you. Though his look quickly changes again as it clicks that you've just seen something he didn't want you to. Your mouth hung agape, watching him rush to his bedroom door and fling it open. Soon the front door follows and he motions quickly for you to come inside, careful not to fully open the door.

"Hey man you scared the shit out of me." He let out a breathy laugh as you brushed past him.
"Sorry, I mean I was gonna scare you but not like that." You said sheepishly, avoiding looking at him.
He crossed his arms against his blood stained torso as he sighed. "Look I'm sorry, I know you don't like seeing me like this. I didn't know you were coming, I figured you'd have been asleep by now if you weren't already here."
"No it's okay, I mean it's no big deal really." You said quietly. "I'll just hang out in your room until you get cleaned up." You stole a peek at him and recognized the look of shame printed on his face. You knew he didn't like this either, it's not his fault really.
"Thanks baby... I just stocked up on Yoo-Hoos. Grab one for me and you and I'll be in there ASAP." He half-jogged to the bathroom and shut the door quickly, hearing it lock with a quiet click.
Sighing you open the fridge and grab you both a drink. Walking slightly faster as you pass the bathroom, the smell of iron wafting beneath the door along with steam as he rinsed himself off in a smoldering hot shower.
Gently you sat the drinks on the dresser and plopped on the bed, kicking off your shoes. They land with a thump next to his stained shirt. Trying not to wince as you notice it.

Vampire Eddie Munson (bloodlust)Where stories live. Discover now