Love Bites

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1916 words ❤️

A faint beeping fades in and out of your hearing. Too dizzy to open your eyes you weakly lift your hands to feel your surroundings... as you move you feel a pinch and tug in the crook of your arm. The blanket is scratchy, the pillow smells of bleach. This isn't home. This isn't Eddie's.
You pry your eyes open, thankful that the fluorescent lights aren't blaring down on you like you'd expected. Taking in your surroundings slowly, you confirm that yes. This is a hospital room. You turn your neck carefully, expecting pain to bloom from your recent wounds but discovered there was none. You fingered the area, finding no evidence that the previous events happened at all.

"Oh good you're awake." Eddie walked in the door and breathed a sigh of relief, he held a small box of apple juice and a pack of saltines out to you. You responded with a weak smile and graciously accepted the snack. He hesitated before sinking down onto the bed beside you. "So they have you on IV fluids, everything else seems to be normal, they ran some tests to be sure... I told them you just fainted. I hope that's okay.?"
You nodded and looked up at him while taking a sip of juice.
"Y/n I'm-"
You cut him off by bringing your palm to his face gently stroking loose strands of hair behind his ear.
"It's okay, it was an accident. Don't apologize please."

"I was so worried y/n. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't just stand there just waiting for you to wake up. I had to make sure that- that I didn't hurt you, well you know. To bad." He scratched his head and sighed, his eyes seemed glossy. "I'm really sorry. I'm so upset with myself. I just couldn't stop. I should've I'm so sorry. I've been kicking my own ass all night over this."
"Hey dude really, I get it. It's okay."
"It's not. I could've hurt you. I could've killed you!" He whisper-shouted. Contorting his face in a disappointed scowl.
"Eddie, Eds hey. Look at me. Have you seen yourself in a mirror since then? You look so much better. You have your color back, you look healthier than ever."
He scoffed, " yeah I'm better but here you are, hooked up to a damn IV. What a trade off."

You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, squeezing it before grinning. "Look okay? This is good news right?"
He the confusion on his face told you that he had no idea what you were talking about.
"Dude. I'm fine right? Nothing happened other than I fainted. There's nothing else wrong right?"
"I mean, they said you were healthy, all the tests came back perfect." He shrugged, still not understanding.
"Exactly. I'm fine, healthy even. No bite marks, nothing. And look at you! I mean you look, so much better." You smiled softly.
"Oh so you're saying I wasn't good looking before?" He poked your ribs and grinned.
"Shut up you know what I mean." You laughed.

"I look fine for now but who knows how long it'll last." He sighed and laid with his back across your legs, bringing his hands to rest behind his head.
"What do you mean? For now?"
"Well I'll be hungry again eventually and -"
"No you won't." You interrupted him and he turned his head, his eyes opening wide.
"No, you're joking. Y/n no. You're in the hospital! Because of me!"
"Only because you were literally starved man. Obviously the vegetarian diet doesn't work for you" you said putting up air quotes.  "If you feed from me, every couple days then you'll never get that hungry again. No more bunnies to be sacrificed." You laughed.
"Hey. Don't joke about that you know I would never hurt a bunny if I didn't have to." Mumbling under his breath.
"I know, I know you wouldn't. And now you won't have to." You said matter of factly.

"You are the most hard headed bitch I've ever met you know that?" He huffed and crossed his arms.
"Yeah. Only because you're the most stubborn bitch I've ever had to deal with." You retorted.

"Eddie can we get out of here please I want to go home."
"I know sweetheart, they're trying I promise. I checked at the nurses desk not even 10 minutes ago."
"Yeah well it's been 10 minutes, and you said we'd be out of here in a jiffy. 10 minutes is way longer than a jiffy."
"Hey it's not my fault that I'm bad with imaginary time okay?" He flicked your forehead with his pointer finger and flopped his head into your lap, his body half on the bed and half in the chair he'd pulled up. "Trust me I'm ready to go home too."

Vampire Eddie Munson (bloodlust)Where stories live. Discover now