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1988 words
Yes I know MTV Cribs didn't start in the 80s don't come for me plz. ❤️

You were about 2 hours from home before the real conversation starts, what he must've wanted to talk about.

"So you know how I've been working extra?" He mentioned causally.
"Yeah it's a fucking bummer dude." You huff
He laughs uncomfortably, tapping his leg before speaking.
"Well Greg is retiring and Boss asked me if I'd want to replace Greg as supervisor." He spoke so quickly that you hardly understand.
"So you're getting promoted?!" You squeal the excitement brewing.
"Yeah I think I am." He beamed, drumming on the steering wheel happily.
"Eddie I'm so proud of you! Wait- does this mean you won't come home all covered in oil anymore? Shit that was kinda hot I'll miss it." You fake pouted, pulling a bigger grin from him.
"No actually, I'll still be doing all the same stuffs just with a fatter wad of cash at every paycheck. The only downside is I have to stay an hour later now to do closing and paper work." He seemed nervous to tell you this.

"Are you okay with that?" He asked cautiously.
"Well yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You asked confused.
"I dunno you've just always been bummed when I have to stay late... I was waiting to accept it until I talked to you."
"Eddie! Yes take the job. We can call and leave a message when we get home." You lightly punched his shoulder. "I always miss you when you're at work, but now you've got an actual set schedule, so I'll always know when to expect you home." You finished with a shrug.

Not only was he tapping his leg furiously he was now also letting his left leg bounce at an astronomical rate, he breathed deeply as though he was about to say something distressing, but nothing came. He held his breath and let it leave his lungs slowly through pursed lips, letting his top lip curl up to touch the button like tip of his nose. Your hands began to sweat with your building anxiety, if Eddie is anxious you're anxious, as he is always calm, cool and collected.
"Damn it dude say something," you said finally breaking the silence, "I'm sweating like a sinner in church, I know you're about to say something! Spit it out!" You whisper yell the last part, although you were annoyed, you were mostly nervous. You didn't want him to perceive your tone as anger, and thankfully he didn't.

"Uh well," he quickly glanced over at you as he pulled up to a stop light. The red glow illuminated his face, " I've been searching for somewhere to rent." He let it tumble out and seemed shocked by his own words. He then let out a tiny squeak of air, putting his foot back on the gas. Your mind raced circles... "Eddie are you moving? But the promotion! Why would you do that?" You asked quietly.

"What? No!" He shook his head, reaching over and shoving your knee before firmly holding it. He looked over at you with surprise.
"Y/N no, I'm not moving away! You think I'd leave you like that? What kind of man would I be to spring something on you like that?" He asked genuinely concerned. His eyebrows furrowed, "you know I'm bad at talking about stuff. I just well, I'm trying to ask if you want to move in with me." He flipped the visor above your head down and a folded green paper fell with a weight you weren't expecting. As you unfolded it a small brass key slid into your lap, the street lights reflecting off it. Printed on the flyer was a badly photocopied picture of a small house, a paved driveway and carport.

"No fucking way." You breathe heavily, heart beating faster.

Eddie's POV

I stared ahead, my hands gripping the steering wheel so hard I could feel the leather creaking under the pressure. She wasn't saying anything... this was a bad idea. What if she says no. I just signed the papers yesterday, maybe it's not to late to-
"No fucking way." She whispered and I heard her blood quicken, I quickly glance her way, she's holding the key up. Her beautiful face contorted in confusion.
"So? Will you?" I ask again.
"When?" She asked, a grin forming on her plump lips.
"Tonight." I responded, "if you want to that is?"
"You idiot yes I want to." She leaned over a placed a peck on my cheek. Leaving me with a warm, calm feeling. Finally I can rest, she said yes. Internally screaming with joy, I try to keep my outward appearance stoic but to no avail. My body betrayed me before I even realized I was doing a strange little happy dance in my seat.

Vampire Eddie Munson (bloodlust)Where stories live. Discover now