Good Morning

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No warnings! Plot only lol

1486 words

Your eye lids fluttered open, and for the second time this week you felt for Eddie and didn't find his warmth. Rubbing your face you sat up slowly, feeling the aftermath of last nights antics. Your body was sore, your stomach muscles begged you not to flex your core as you moved. The bite marks of course had disappeared, almost disappointing considering you proudly wore the two crusted over wounds you'd received. As you went to feel them your fingers brushed a cotton pad, it seemed as though your sweet, sweet, caring Eddie had nursed them for you when he woke up this morning, so carefully that he didn't wake you in the slightest.

You scoot to the edge of the bed, and push off onto the floor, relieved as you are greeted by the carpet and not your usual cold laminate flooring. Shuffling to the door you found it slightly cracked, and made your way into the hall, a wonderful smell hits your senses, smooth and bitter all at once. Coffee, that beautiful bastard is brewing you coffee and making breakfast? The microwave beeped. "Shhh shh shut up shut up!" Eddie was whisper yelling at the kitchen appliances. You stood still, wanting to hear this conversation happening, unsullied by your sudden appearance to the kitchen.

The plastic push button creaking as it popped open the microwave door. A plate shuffling, the door shutting once more, beeping buttons. "Fucking stupid. Where's the package? It's not even hot in the middle! 1 minute my ass."
Is he digging through the trash? You stifle a laugh as you heard him rummaging through the trash, searching for the cardboard box.

The microwave barely made a peep before you heard him sprint across the kitchen and slam into the counter before it could make anymore noise. "God FUCKIN damnit. That's hot, shitshitshit." The plate is quickly placed on the counter, landing with a thud.

He was mumbling, cursing himself as he groaned "don't tell me I forgot the fucking coffee filter." He breathed heavily, audibly swishing the coffee around in the pot, you heard the familiar sizzle of a stray coffee droplet hit the burner. "Jesus" he scoffed "where's the fuckin?"

You couldn't stand it anymore, you let out a tiny giggle as you crept up the rest of the hall and into the kitchen. His head whipped around, hair smacking him in the face. He was pouring coffee into a solo cup through at least 5 filters stacked together, coffee grounds clinging to the sides. His eyes are wide as he thrusts the cup at you, swatting the filters off the opening and onto the counter, after placing the coffee pot back on the burner.

"Hi." He squeaked, clearing his throat and trying again, "hi, hi sweetheart." He grinned.
"Good morning chef." You giggled as you took the cup, inhaling the familiar scent, seeing no coffee grounds you tasted it. Grunting as the too strong coffee hit your tongue, making a quick recovery you smiled and closed the gap between you, resting your head on his chest. His arms wrapping you in a loose embrace, gently swaying.

"Jimmy Dean graciously provided us breakfast via the gas station." He mumbled as he tossed his head in the direction of the plate.
"Thank you baby." You whispered against his old bleach stained shirt.
He placed a tiny kiss on the crown of your head before leaning back, grabbing a sausage link and popping it in his mouth. Quickly regretting the decision he stepped back, fanning his mouth and doing that 'ouch that's hot' breathing technique.

You noticed a small black book laying on the counter, near the wall phone. It peeked you interest so you sidled past him, snagging a bite of food as you did. It was the address book you'd tried to keep of all your friends and family's numbers, he's been busy, the page was opened to the S's section, finding it a good place to stop considering the page was completely blank. " you already started calling around?" You asked, trying not to look as shocked as you were.

"Well yeah, I can't have all my groupies filling up Wayne's answering machine."

"Oh shut up." You playfully slapped his chest before getting serious. "You didn't call my mom right?"

"What? No!" He grinned "not my monkey not my circus."

"Whatever, it IS your circus and your monkey. Come help me talk to her tonight please?" You pleaded.

"Of course I will sweetheart, just don't expect me to tame that lion of a sister you have."

Eyes rolling as you retort, "as if she'd care, she'd be happy to have the bedroom all to herself."

He rubbed his shoulder before leaning back against the fridge, munching on his breakfast.
"I dunno dude, she might seem like a little shit but I think she does love you." He waved the sausage link around before popping the rest in his mouth, "at least maybe she likes you, or something. Maybe tolerates is a better word." He grinned, tapping your bare feet with his socked toe. A smile crept into the corner of your mouth.

"I guess, maybe she won't despise me as much now. Now that we won't be constantly up each other's ass you know?" You said shrugging.

"Princess, she loves you. She's just jealous that you've got all this." He gyrates his hips, dragging his hands down his chest. You scoff, rolling your eyes. "No but really, I'm serious," he continues, "she does love you. She probably just feels left out, misses you, you know? She knows we're serious, she's probably worried that I'll wisk you away on a world tour. She just sucks at expressing that."

"You really think that?" Your eyebrows knit together, guilt wracking your stomach. You had been neglecting her lately. You'd stopped spending time one on one with her. It had been months since you'd had a movie night together, it used to be a weekly occasion that you both looked forward to.
"Shit you're right." You sigh. "Yeah, yeah you're right, Um hey didn't you say that the couch pulls out?"

"Yeah but I don't." He smirked deviously, waggling his eyebrows.
"Shut UP oh my god." You face palm, dragging your fingers down your cheek as you peek at him through your fingers.

"So what's your plan? You gonna ask her to have a," his fingers wiggling teasingly at you, "sleepover?" He clasped his hands together, bringing up to his cheek and laying over on them.
"Maybe!" You throw your hands up, good naturedly feigning exasperation. "If I am, you're not invited."

"Oh sweetheart," his eyes closed as his hands grasped at his chest. "You wound me so!"
"Cmon Eddie you know we need a girls night. You just said so yourself!"

"Excuse a-me? I did no such thing. I merely alluded to the fact that she might possibly perhaps miss you." His mouth open in fake shock. He grinned ear to ear as he spun around, landing facing you once more, his hands on his hips. Batting his eyelashes and puffing out his lips, his voice going up 2 octaves "What if you invited your very best girl friend Edwina? I hear she's free that night." He twirled his hair in the most feminine way he could muster before breaking character and laughing along with you.

"You can go have yourself a boys night," you made sure to punctuate this harshly to drive it home. "Edwina."

His eyes fly open as he gasped "oh shit! I forgot to ask!" He nearly snapped his neck as he turned to address you. "Speaking of. When I was calling around I talked to Jeff, Grant, and Gareth. I was hoping since we have our own space that maybe..."

"That you could practice here?" Eyebrow raising as you considered it, "yeah I don't see why not although I'm sure Jeff's subdivision will be sooo sad to see you guys go."

"Really??" He jumped up and down, bouncing on the ball of his feet as his hands made fists "oh baby you're the best!"

"Oh don't thank me," you grin, slyly "thank you."
He returns your response with a questioning glance. Confused he asked "What? Why?"

"I'm only agreeing to this because you're an absolute vision to behold when you're performing." You grin widely, "thank you for the view." You point at him, dragging your finger up and down his slender form through the air, sucking the breath through your pursed lips.
His eyes widen with realization.

"Tsk tsk missy. All for the personal gain huh." He shrugged "that's okay I like to be used."
He turned away to clean up his breakfast making mess, and as he did you smacked his ass, tightly hidden behind the black denim.
"Yeah you do." You whisper seductively before sprinting down the hall laughing.

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