Seeing Red (part 2)

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4560 words ❤️
Btw, headcannon that Eddie's middle name is Cornelius... just sounds right to me 🥰

TW: blood obviously, blood kink, biting, oral, fingering, degrading, praise, denied orgasm, bondage, knife kink, penetration, lots of dirty talk, hitting/slapping, throat fucking, pain, shouting, sadist/masochist, slight humiliation, cock warming.

Eddie POV

My brain buzzed with thoughts, what was she about to ask me? God I hope I know the answer. "Anything sweetheart." I gulp involuntarily as I finished speaking. Her hand grazing my jawline, pulling me up into a kiss. Her lips cracked and raw from the treatment I'd just given her, I smiled knowing I'd caused it. She returned the smile and as she did, I felt the cracked skin break against my own lip. A small bead of blood made it's way to the surface, before I knew it her bottom lip was in my mouth, my tongue lapping at the blood. The taste was sweet but short, the droplet disappearing quickly. Pulling a disappointed groan from my lips. Leaving me wanting more. So much more. I felt her heart pick up speed, delivering more blood to her still slick cunt.

She cleared her throat as I let her lip fall back into place, resting my forehead against hers.
"Yeah. About that." She cleared her throat again, gathering courage as she squeezed her thighs together, hoping I hadn't noticed her bodily response to my hunger. She continues slowly, breaching the topic cautiously.
"I know that blood has always been welcome in the bedroom... I was just wondering if that was off limits now or-" he voice treaded carefully, even questioning herself as she spoke.

"I was hoping you'd... want to try that." I answered quietly, before bringing her closer to me, wrapping her warm body into a tight embrace. "I promise I'll be careful." I whisper into her ear, delicately tracing hearts on her spine. She shuddered at my touch, her heart skipping a beat. I grinned, unable to hide how prideful I was knowing now with this new heightened ability that even the slightest touch, the most subtle movements turned her on.

My restraint was coming to an end, after all the events of today. Watching her successfully seduce a man, luring him to his death for me. His blood spilled and wasted. The hunger pent up in my stomach was unbearable. I promised myself I would be careful. I will not have a repeat of last time.

All the times within the last hour that her skin was perfectly exposed, my mouth right there, caressing the most welcoming veins in her body. Hearing how her heart fluttered for me, it made me absolutely insatiable. Thank fucking god for her willingness to please me. Knives were always welcomed in bed during the pre-vampire era of my life. Many times I watched her carve into the meat of my thigh, or etching her initials into my shoulder as she rode my cock with an expertise that only she held.

Only this time, the blood spilled will be hers. Using her own knife, special ordered just for our bedroom activities. A sliver replica dagger, a red gemstone in the shape of a heart, inlaid with a gold filigree on the hilt. It was tiny, about the size of my forefinger. It even came with a silver sheath, complete with a loop just behind the hilt, allowing it to be worn as jewelry. And she just so happens to always wear it around her neck, continuously asserting her dominance over me, her possessiveness. No one has ever batted an eye at it, never questioning why she'd wear it. Everyone knows our choice in style ranges widely, encompassing a large selection of intimidating accessories. It was a delectable secret between the two of us.
After all the years this dagger had been put to use, it had never once been used to draw blood from her delicate skin.

That was about to change.


Your breath hitched, caught in your throat as his eyes searched yours. The gears in his brain working in overdrive, You opened your mouth to speak, "I -" he interrupted by ripping the necklace off your chest. The thin chain snapping under the pressure, a gasp leaving your lips as your hands flew up to protect your neck. The skin already so tender allowed the metal to dig farther into your skin, an uncomfortable sharpness that left quickly as the chain dangled from his finger tips, his eyes dark with lust, the brown irises filling slowly with a deep red tint. Tiny flecks of gold catching the light as he eyed you up and down.

Vampire Eddie Munson (bloodlust)Where stories live. Discover now