Evangeline x Jacks ~as sequel to bathing~

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A/N: I dont know why but I absolutely love the idea of them bathing together and being all gentle and sweet and shit haha. Anyway, this might be quite short -I'm not sure yet- but I just watched 'After' for the second time (don't judge me okay I'm a hopeless romantic) and the bath scene when he's drawing on her back and she is trying to guess what he says I just- ugh. Yeah, so that's happening with Evajacks and at this point I am just doing this to feed my imagination and you lovely people haha. Hope you enjoy!

It's become normal for Jacks to join her when she has a bath, or the other way around. In all honestly, Evangeline loves every second of it- even though trying to not kiss him is a struggle in itself- but the way he smiles at her after he washes her hair or kisses her shoulder or watches her try to not get bubbles in her face, in her opinion, is the best thing she has ever seen - all shining white teeth and dimples. Dimples.  

He's sat behind her in the bath now. She's trying to work out what he's saying from him tracing his fingers along her back- it's harder than she thought. She tries to work it out, but mostly ends up giggling from his tickling her when she gets it wrong or her brain becoming mush due to the hypersensitivity of his fingers on her skin. Evangeline hums, trying to work out what he's writing.

"Given up, Little Fox?" Jacks asks, and although she can't see his expression, she can tell he's smirking. 

"No. Once more- I'll get it this time." She insists, turning her head to face him slightly.

He stares at her for a second, eyes dark, although they've been in this situation many times before, Jacks always seem blown away by her body- that thought makes her unnervingly happy. He gestures for her to turn back around and then slowly traces his words again as she concentrates, thinking. 

"Worked it out?" He asks.

"Umm... is the first word 'I'?" She replies, having a vague idea.

"Yes. Got anything else?" 

"Only the first bit: 'I wish...'" She sighs, annoyed she couldn't work the rest out. 

"Too bad. Come on, the water's getting cold." Jacks kisses her cheek quickly before getting up and out of the copper tub, wrapping a towel around his waste. 

"Aw, fine." She get's up, trying to resist the urge to cover her body- he knows what she looks like, but still, she's embarrassed. 

Jacks notices her slight discomfort and grabs another towel, wrapping her in it and drying her hair quickly with another. She whispers a small 'thank you' and then they leave the bathroom, off to get changed and into there sadly separate beds. 

He doesn't tell her what he had written, and she doesn't ask.

A/N: 499 words. I enjoyed that a little too much haha. Hope you liked it! I'm off to watch an absurd amount of romance movies now- Bye lovelies! <3

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