EvaJacks ~Valentines Part 2~

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A/N: it's finally happening people: IM WRITING A BALL ROOM SCENE. Also don't come at me for some of this because you can not tell me Jacks isn't dirty minded. Also writing and then reading this makes me extremely happy and I hope you agree. Enjoy xx

"You made it!" LaLa is far to loud.

"Yes we did! Wow this is amazing, LaLa- you should make planning parties your profession." Evangeline says this while hugging the Unwed Bride, as I stand, albeit brooding, beside her.

"Well thank you my friend. And I see you dressed well for the occasion- wherever did you get such attire?" I swear I see Evangeline physically since when LaLa says this.

"Oh so this wasn't your doing LaLa?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"Nope-" she seems to realise that I am rather annoyed, and pretends to go and talk to other guests, despite us being the last to arrive.

"I can't believe you made me dress like a love sick teenager from three hundred years ago." I turn to the sheepish looking mortal.

"Oops-?" She laughs awkwardly, picking up a glass of pink wine.


"Dance with me?" I only notice she's talking to me after her repeating herself, as I'd zoned out and was in the middle of imagining- Nevermind.

"Do I have to, Little Fox?" I don't hate dancing, but it definitely isn't something I'd want to do in my free time, or here; my only plans for tonight were to get drunk, go home with some girl who I'd probably want to be Evangeline, and wake up with a headache and under some sort of furniture.

"Yes." I can tell she's not going to let me go through with my plan.

Calm down, not now. I tell myself this repeatedly as we walk onto the dance floor. I wasn't sure if she could even dance, but clearly I'd been wrong as we begin. It's strange, really, how I've danced with well over one hundred women and yet non of them have made the other people in the room disappear and left me incapable of breathing unless I harshly remind myself. Evangeline is around a foot shorter than me, but the heals she's wearing give her some height, so I don't worry if she's uncomfortable. There's about five other pairs dancing with us, but I can't take my mind of her.

She looks beautiful. Her dress is fairly simple, light pink at the bodice then slowly transitioning into a dark reddish pink at the hem, the mesh sleeves fall off her shoulders to her wrists and the bodice accentuates certain parts of her I'd happily have in my mouth.

I think she can hear my thoughts as she looks up at me so quickly I'm surprised her neck didn't crack. Despite her shock, we continue to dance, spinning around the hall surrounded with flower petal pinks and blood reds and creamy whites. She's blushing rather fiercely and isn't looking me in the eye any more, instead staring at my chest. Chuckling darkly, I notice the dance is about to end, so I drop her into my arms and end up pretty much above her, with her hands on my shoulders. We're both breathing heavily, but I'm not sure if that's because of the dance or because of certain mental images. I let her stand back up and she immediately walks to the drinks table, probably to cool off- I follow her, of course.

"You're blushing." I say this in her ear, as I do find it quite hilarious how she becomes more flustered every time I'm close to her.

"Well who wouldn't be in this situation?" She's trying and failing to sound like she is offended, but it's fairly obvious that she is quite the opposite.

"And what situation is this exactly?" I too pick up a glass, gulping it down quickly while she seems to be staring at my neck.

"You, the Prince of Hearts, Jacks, an immortal who is annoyingly attractive, wants me in your mouth." At this point I don't think even holding ice on her forehead would stop her from being so red.

"So you think I'm attractive?" Maybe I'm enjoying this a little too much.

"Oh my-" she's cut off when LaLa appears beside her.

"Are you alright, my friend? You're red enough to see across the hall." There's something to her tone that makes it seem like LaLa knows the answer. Evangeline coughs and then smiles at her.

"Yes, I.. umm- did a lot of dancing.." I almost laugh then.

"Oh okay, well there's water over there if you need to cool down." The other Fate smiles but there's a glint in her eye; I see her wink at Evangeline before she struts off somewhere else.

I'm about to turn to my fox and talk to her, possibly kiss her, when I stop abruptly and scowl.

Why the hell is he here?

A/N: guess who Jacks is so angry about also being there and who ever is the first to guess it gets early copies of my one-shots for the next three I do :)

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