002. best duo is...

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"TODAY ON BETA SQUAD WERE DOING THE BEST FRIEND TEST!" kenny announced as everyone sat in the studio.

they told the rules.

"hey guys my name is darkest and i'm in charge of this little shinding." darkest says while dancing.

"alright well onto the first team we've got aj and chunkz." all heads turn to the two boys sitting on chairs being separated from each other by a large cardboard wall.

the two were then done with their quiz, and it honestly did not go as well, chunkz got 2/3 and aj got 1/3.

"right after that embarrassing round we have, mikey and sharky!" darkest introduces the two who sat where aj and chunkz were sitting a few minutes ago.

"can we have a round of applause?" darkest claps his hands as so do the others while whooping.

"okay guys, thank you." mikey holds her hands up taking embarrassment, and sharky bows."

"them two are the winners! the winners right here." chunkz points to the pair.

"we are winners." the blonde girl nods her head.

"amongst all of us they've had the longest friendship." niko stated pointing to the two.

"yeah, yeah guaranteed." the rest started agreeing.

"eleven years," mikey and sharky nod their heads and raising their brows while their friends gasp.

"you almost killed her." aj informs.

"he did almost kill me." mikey ticks her tongue.

"james roll up the photo."

a photo of mikey and sharky at sixteen years old was shown as mikey was in a wheelchair smiling and sharky next to her worried.

"my driving skills that's how we became skills." sharky claps his hands as if proud.

"he ran me over while training to drive." mikey starts the crazy story with an oddly large smile on her face.

"i wasn't looking when i was coming out of the car park and she wasn't looking where she was riding her bike and altogether it was bam!" sharky made a loud noise when his hands made contact.

"wait! oh my days! 2011 that's a l-" mikey was cut off when chunkz threw his hands in the air.

"alright cool, do wanna lips or something?" he yells out making them roll their eyes.

"all them marky shippers loving that." kenny laughs making niko and aj laugh.

"hurry up man." chunkz yells out again.

"we got a video to film!" aj screams out.

"hurry!" niko and kenny join in.

"right alright sorry." the blonde holds her hands in defense while giggling.

"uh yeah with a little hope maybe you two can shut the fuck up." darkest states loudly looking down at his cards.

"put on the headphones and blindfolds sharks," he told while the man obliged.

"alright mikey."

"hi." she grinned.

"your first question is, who is sharkys celebrity crush." it was announced as a chorus of yells was heard.

"that's the easy man." the others objected.

mikey sat there thinking for a second.

"michelle howard."

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