005. everyone hates mikey

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 OHNOSHARKY  mikey: i wont fall asleep also mikey two mins later: falls asleep liked by, mikeyhoward, ajshabeel and 798,999 others

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mikey: i wont fall asleep
also mikey two mins later: falls asleep
liked by, mikeyhoward, ajshabeel and 798,999 others

view comments here..

mikeyhoward why do u post things without my consent?
ohnosharky bc i can

user marky confirmed in the new miniminter vid????
ohnosharky definitely not
mikeyhoward i think u missed the whole point of that part of the video
chunkz no u missed nothing yes marky is confirmed

ajshabeel is marky real?
mikeyhoward why is there a rat in ur comment section snarky?
ohnosharky shit i forgot to put rat poison for the month

user66 i hate her honestly

user8 she's so cute

niko i think she may be dead
mikeyhoward u would like that huh?
niko only a little..

"YO GUYS WELCOME BACK to another video." simon minter smiles at his camera.

"and today i am doing an interview with.. beta squad!" he reveals the group all string on the large couch next to him.

the friend group then went on to cheer and yell while clapping.

"well uh." simon slaps his hands on his lap.

"as i don't want to be here that long-" he was met with groans and laughs.

"we're gonna have them answer with one word!"

the camera cuts.

"we got niko."


"kenny here."

kenny stared for a while.


the room was quiet.



then simon points to the blond girl sitting in between sharky and chunkz.

"and my favorite of them all! mikey." he pointed to the girl as she smiles widely.

"yes!" she goes up to him with a fist bump.

"ah.." everyone ticked their tongue at him.

"you tryna lips our gyal?" chunkz said making everyone laugh out loud.

mikey stepped on his foot making him sigh in pain, as simon went on introducing everyone else.

the camera cut.

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