019. almost

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she doesn't know.

it was the fact that every time sharky walked into a room, she smiles.

it's the fact that everytime he even looks at her, she grows red.

it was the fact that everytime he wasn't around, she found herself searching for him.

this is her best friend we're talking about.

a boy she only ever thinks of when someone says something funny.

mikey howard would never even think of developing the slightest of feelings for sharky.

it sounds impossible even saying out loud.

mikey howard walked into the kitchen, her hair let down and her eyes skimming the open fridge.

picking up a light colored peach by her manicured hands.

searching around and thanking god that no one was in the room, especially sharky.

finding herself sitting by the island counter the girl bit into the peach, feeling the juice from the fruit drizzle down her chin.

it was sweet, a treat to her sour-going mind right now.

it was quiet, just the girl and her thoughts.

the silence almost becoming comforting and her nerves slowing down, that's of course until

"hi, mikes."


the one person who she didn't want to see was here.


mikey's back straightens when looking to him.

he wore a blue hoodie and matching sweatpants, his head covered with his hand on backwards.

same style he wore everyday, but this time it made mikey let out a heavy breath.


the girl's small voice lets out and in a way it confuses sharky at the shy sound coming from his best friend.

he doesn't think anything of it.

shrugging and then going to the fridge also seeming to need a snack.

"what're you eating?" sharky asks turning around and watching her so tranced by the fruit.


he laughs.

that laugh making her cheeks go bright red, a color he loved.

"no the wall." the boy in blue sarcastically laughed back.

"oh yeah.." she chuckles awkwardly feeling the room get cold and embarrassment flushing.

sharky couldn't help but frown slowly, he didn't mean to embarrass her.

honestly he didn't even know she got embarrassed around her.

her fingers going gently to her cuticles and picking at them.

the boys eyes furrowing alongside his brows when trailing and seeing her actions.

why is she nervous?

a question he wanted to say out loud but literally everything not letting him.

"a peach." mikey answers a mouthful of the fruit.

a smile from ear to ear escaping once seeing her face hold such innocence in two words.

"i can tell you're enjoying it," he says seeing the girl eat it like she's been starved.

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