013. pasta at 3 am hits different

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MICHELLE HOWARD LAID IN HER BED as her eyes began to slowly drape and become heavy.

finally, she could sleep. it's like she hasn't been sleeping her whole life and right now would be the team.

her ears begin to block out noise and her eyes breathing slowed to a calmer pace.

and then just like that she was asleep.


because sharky thought it would be the best idea to wake her up.

"mikey. mikes." he shoved her shoulder making her turn the other way stills sleeping.

"michelle wake up." holds her wrist.

before he can say anything else mikey grabs ahold of his wrist unknowingly and twists the other way, managing to yank sharky on the bed with her.

"no way." he giggles loudly, and funnily enough that was what woke her up.

"ah!" she screams slapping him right on the cheek with fear.

as her eyes begin to open and find out who it is she gasps another gasp.

"sharky?" she screams grabbing his face while looking at the spot she hit.

"thanks for that." he groans at her gently covering the girl's hand that was on his face.

suddenly she didn't seem so worried, now she looked pissed.

"why the fuck did you wake me up?!" her arms flare in the air.

the boy gulps looking around realizing this wasn't the best idea.

"well uh.. i wanted some pasta." sharkys voice was weak.

"you wanted some what?" her eyes grew semi-wide.

"i wanted some-"

"no i heard you i'm just giving you some time to change that answer." her voice came out pissed, really pissed.

"just hear me out!" his hands go up in defense.

"i can't cook and no one else could cook so.." sharky mumbles.

she couldn't help but smile slowly at him.

"fine." the blonde rolled her eyes standing off the bed.

"perfect!" he screams jumping after her.

"there you happy?" she asked softly handing him the plate filled with spaghetti.

putting some for herself.

"i'm not gonna be able to sleep again." mikey started blowing on her food and sitting in front of sharky.

"me too." he grins looking up to her with that same look he gave her at the concert.

the dim light in the kitchen struck over her face as she tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. the faint grin on her face painted on professionally.

mikey looks back up to him, raising her brows.

"bruh." she giggles slowly.

"what?" he laughed slowly alongside her.

"why are staring at me like that?"  the girl gives him a soft laugh.

if mikey howard knew one thing it's that the way sharky looks at her always makes her blush.

it was something about how gentle his eyes looked facing her and it kinda bothered her on how much of an effect it had on her.

everyone said it, even the fans in fact that's how she found out.

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