028. this light

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MICHELLE HOWARD WAS never the jealous type, that just wasn't her.

it wasn't her thing, she was grateful for whatever she had and whenever she had it.

the girl didn't care so much about things to be jealous of them.

until elle leery came into the picture.

now suddenly because of this beautiful blonde girl michelle howard is turning green with envy.

the girl whose hair went down to her hips and her height that made her look petite, the smile she gives you, and even the ability to make any guy like her.

not just any guy, the one person Michelle Howard was and is in love with.

i guess the girl had to watch from the sidelines, and to her maybe that was what was best.

mikey was enjoying her last week in the south, her body lying on the sunbed she had outside by the pool.

humming a song she doesn't even remember.

the quiet sound fading with the birds chirping and the heat of the sun.

once she opened her eyes she heard the pull doors open and walking out was elle.

mikey cursed under breath, she manifested her arrival.

"oh hi elle." the girl waves smiling.

elle nods her head without an answer laying on her back for tanning.

mikey couldn't help but sigh at how perfect her hair was, her body, and her skin.

feeling her stares elle tipped her sunglasses with a questioning look.

"is there something you need?"

the girl sounded rude but something in mikey knew she didn't mean it harshly.

"how do you get your hair like that?"

the other blonde looks at the ringlets of curls in her hair and nods slowly.

"I use those rollers, it's easy." elle shrugs.

"It's so pretty." mikey smiles softly with a tint of sadness.

elle just rolls her eyes slowly making the girl get taken aback.

"oh give me a break," she stated loudly.

mikey just corks her head to the side.

"your michelle howard and your complementing me?" she sat up so she faced her.

mikey gulped her spit slowly looking up.

"your elle leery it's the same here." mikey laughed.

"sure it is." elle laughed alongside her.

when suddenly sharky walks out in normal clothes, not even making eye contact with mikey.

it was 4 days after their fight and he didn't talk nor did she.

elle was leaving at 8 pm and you could tell sharky was upset.

the two were practically dating, his arm always around her shoulder and her head on his chest.

mikey's stomach hurt just thinking of it.

gabriel left for spain for the rest of the week and even if he stayed mikey wouldn't do anything.

gabriel had a girlfriend and sure it was extremely weird that he was super touchy with mikey but she just thought that was the way he was.

"hey." sharky calls out for elle from the steps.

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