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 MIKEYHOWARD  no pogue left behind!!!liked by niko, ohnosharky and 6,999,087 others

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no pogue left behind!!!
liked by niko, ohnosharky and 6,999,087 others

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obx 😉

ohnosharky sarah cameron. she didnt choose the pogue life, it chose her.
mikeyhoward sharky are u sarah camerons biggest fan?
niko just to tell you, i was the biggest fan first
mikeyhoward really? then how did u turn into a human!?

madisonbailey gf reveal?
mikeyhoward gf reveal!

user OMG


betafan since when did she act?
userrr you're joe king

kingkenny pope is top g
mikeyhoward what the fuck
jonathandavis thanks man

chunkz feeling a bit fearful for sarah
mikeyhoward u should

ohnosharky pretty photo
mikeyhoward pretty photographer
ohnosharky kiss ?
mikeyhoward no
ohnosharky yes
mikeyhoward no
ohnosharky yes
ajshabeel u fools do know we can see all this
niko and they go on to ask why they get shipped
rudypankow ^i ship it


usernamefiftythree the way her n sharky flirt is so cute kill me now

user,, i feel like she's gonna forget all abt the beta squad
mikeyhoward girl i've been doing obx for 4 years, and been in the beta squad/known the mandem for 10 years pretty sure if i forget abt something it'll be obx. but i wont

liamjude can't wait to watch this 😍
mikeyhoward hehehe xx

"TODAY ON BETA SQUAD." niko says.

"we are doing last to leave the jungle, it's going to be a series of challenges."

"and if you lose, you're stuck here forever!"

the camera cuts to the interviews of the group.

chunkz first, aj, niko, kenny, sharky them mikey.

"do i think i'm going to win? absolutely of course." the blonde girl nods her head as she wore a green hat on her head and the jungle in the background.

STATE OF GRACE.   beta squadWhere stories live. Discover now