017. party, party, party

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when you hear giggles in the beta house you know it's sharky and mikey.

when you notice the snacks are gone, it's probably sharky and mikey eating them upstairs.

when mikey is in danger or any kind of trouble sharky turns into those scary men you see on the tv, which is so weird because sharky is such a nice guy.

when sharky talks mikey listens.

when mikey laughs sharky was the one who made the joke.

ever since they met the two were attached at the hip, like they threw glue on each other.

so obviously if you invite one to a party the other is definitely going to come along.

and that is what's happening right now.

the pair were invited to their friends Maddie's 26th birthday.

so there they sat in sharkys car as he drives with the music playing on the radio.

"just don't do your jennifer coolidge voice." sharky looks at the girl seeing the nervous look on her face.

"what? i don't do any jennifer coolidge voices." mikey turns to him with confusion lacing her voice.

sharky just side-eyes her as if disagreeing.

"anyway i'm not nervous." the girl informed as he steers the wheel.

"it's fine if you are." sharky smiles.

"i know but i'm not, it's maddie." mikey shrugs her shoulders with a sigh.

"plus a lot of other people i've never met before, alcohol, loud music, and dancing." she then proceeded to gulp, picking at her cuticles.

something sharky noticed she did when overthinking.

"okay, maybe i am a little nervous." mikey admits looking at him who just smiles softly at her.

his hand going to her hand, who sat in her lap, both their fingers interlocking each other.

that funny feeling striking through the boy's body again, this time hitting him harder than anytime before.

the shock causing his instinct to snatch his hand back quickly and aggressively.

making mikey furrow her brows being kicked out of comfortable silence.

"sorry.. i just.. my hands are sweaty right now." the first excuse he could make up was said in a stutter.

michelle nods slowly looking at him and then back to the window, her brows still scrunched in confusion.

when her looking away sharky widens his eyes softly, still trying to understand what that weird feeling is.

"we're here," he mumbles after a while.

entering the busy house was like being slapped back to being a teenage girl.

the strong smell of alcohol overpowering everything in the house.

the sound of loud music and loud talking vibrating the house a little.

the flashing lights mixing with the night sky blinding the two slightly.

"i feel like i walked into tenth grade." mikey giggles to sharky who laughs.

the two moving past sweaty people trying to find maddie.

"i hope they play good songs," she adds holding onto his shirt as he guides her through the crowd.

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