020. sick of me?

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IF SHARKY COULD GO BACK TO the time he didn't get all blushy when mikey looked at him, he would.

it seemed like a curse than a blessing to slowly start feeling things for your best friend.


okay fine, he admits it.

he's slowly falling for michelle howard.

he only realized it last night, after his almost kiss with the girl.

it came to him as more of bad news instead of good ones.

he sat in his room all night thinking of ways to stop this, to stop him.

losing a friendship as perfect as his and hers was not something he ever wanted.

sharky would rather kill someone than lose mikey howard as his best friend.

it seemed like he could only do one thing to get rid of this crush.

and that was

"hello, elle."

sharkys voice spoke through his phone.

"oh hi sharky!" the girl beams loudly.

"hi, so uh i was wondering.."

"would you mind coming with me and my friends for dinner, we're going to nando's." he explained with a small smile.

it didn't take a second for her to answer.

"sure, I'd love that."

"okay great uh it's the one next to my house I'll send you the location," he informed the girl.

"yeah alright." she nods her head.

the boy bids his goodbye before closing the call.

a soft, quiet hopeful sigh.

he likes elle honestly. and he would never try to play with her feelings.

because she's a nice girl, with a perfect personality and a beautiful face.

so that's why this stupid crush he has will vanish right when he starts talking to her.

jumping off his bed and walking out of his room the boy heard the sounds of his friends talking downstairs.

stepping down only to see them all.

niko, aj, and kenny are on one couch, and chunkz and mikey are on the other.

mikey had her head laying lazily on chunkz's shoulder while she laughed about something niko said.

just hearing her giggle made sharky have his breath taken away.

she looked so real.

so delicate.

like if you even touch her she'll break.

in that moment sharky saw her in colors he didn't know existed.

her hair falls right into place and her eyes hold so much comfort, the way her nose scrunches and made her small freckles disappear was almost mesmerizing.

it seemed like everyone took notice of sharkys presence.

and how he was staring at her.

it was a funny sight, the boy looked like he's just seen fireworks blow up in his face.

his hands by his side and his eyes watching the girl, his head tilting slightly trying to stare more.

"sharky," aj calls out.

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