Chapter 1

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I heard the soft patter of the rain outside it was like a calming lullaby, just what I needed in this restless moment. The raindrops sliding down the window pane were a soothing sight to see.

Sebastian had called us into his office. This wasn't a new occurrence yet the uneasy feeling in my stomach remained.

I tapped on the door softly hearing a faint "come in" as a response.

I pushed the heavy door open and was met with the same man I'd known for years.

The bright white lights in the office blinded my vision temporarily and I blinked to adjust my eyes. No matter how many times I went through this I could never get used to the sudden change in lighting in comparison to the dark corridors.

Sebastian had a commanding look to him, he had deep brown eyes with a strong jawline housing some prickly stubble. Even when he was sat down you could tell he was a tall man. 

Scuttle in the back caught my attention and I saw Lucas and Carter stumble into the same room.

Lucas closed the door behind him before shooting me a quick grin.

Sebastian invited us all to sit across from him his eyes scanned our every move as we sat down.

"Your next mission is here" Sebastian spoke in his deep raspy voice. He handed us each a file which none of us opened.

We knew the drill by now get called in, get your instructions, read your material and do what you were meant to do.

"you're going to be breaking into the Avengers facility to retrieve some equipment that they took from us" he continued, leaning back in his chair as he examined us all.

"We need that equipment back and we need it now" he gave us all a stern look before moving forwards and resting his hands on his desk

"you'll be going later tonight, everything you need to know is in the file if there are no other questions you're free to go" he spoke immediately going back to his work, he knew we didn't ask questions. 

The three of us walked out of the office heading straight up to our living quarters.

"why's he always so serious," Carter said as he jumped on my bed messing up my sheets.

"He just looks so scary" he continued looking at Lucas and me for approval.

I slapped his head before pushing him off to fix the mess he created on my bed before beginning to speak and putting his thoughts to rest.

"He just wants us to do what's asked as safely as possible" I replied sitting down on my bed in a calm manner showing Carter how it was done.

"Doesn't matter I owe him my life" Lucas said as he sat down next to me equally as calmly just to spite Carter.

It wasn't just him who thought of Sebastian as a father figure but we all did we all respected his authority tremendously, after all, he saved us.

"Now hurry and get to reading boys," I said kicking Carter's leg who was now sitting on the floor after being denied permission to my bed. 

"Don't do that" he warned and I smirked before kicking him again. In return, he picked up a fork that was on my dresser and used it to poke me in the side.

"Stop it" Lucas warned as he moved the fork across the room in Carter's hands making him cuss him out.

"Don't interfere" Carter shot back using his eyes to focus and pick up that same fork behind Lucas and throw it at his back.

Both boys continued this on for another five minutes using different stuff in my room as weapons until I finally called it quits.

"Enough," I said as I held up both boys in the air with my powers.

"When I put you down will you two promise to behave," I asked and both boys grumbled incoherent words in response, I took that as a yes and placed them both down safely.

They acted like little kids sometimes despite being teenagers but I guess it was ok because just like me they were deprived of a loving and nurturing childhood. 

"Now read we only have an hour before we leave," I said handing them both their copies of the file.

The plans were detailed and precise, outlining every step of the operation. We poured over them, making sure that we understood every aspect of the mission.

There was no room for mistakes.

Missions were the one part we all took extra seriously an error could be the difference between life and death.

I knew this mission was going to be challenging after all we were breaking into one of the most secure facilities in the country. The Avengers were a formidable force, and their security measures were second to none but I didn't doubt our abilities.

After half an hour both boys left for their respective rooms to get dressed and ready for the mission.

I put on black leggings and a black shirt with a black jacket before slipping some black running shoes on. Easy to move in but camouflaged enough to blend in.

I took my cherished black scarf and tied it to the bottom half of my face, covering my nose and mouth but most importantly covering my identity. 

I met both boys who were dressed similarly to me in all black and we made our way to the car debating over who should drive this time. 

Like usual I won and opted out of driving I had better stuff to focus on than making sure we all reached our destination in one piece.

The rain had picked up speed the soft patter had now turned into harsh droplets. 

I sat in the passenger side of the car as Carter drove and Lucas grumbled in the back. I stared out the window at the blurry lights and faraway buildings droning out the sound of Lucas and Carter bickering in the background.

Eventually, I reeled back into reality and we began discussing our strategy as we approached the unfamiliar location.

This is where we were put to test but most importantly this is where the fun started. 


currently in my active era 💁🏽‍♀️

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currently in my active era 💁🏽‍♀️

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