Chapter 11

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We had spent a good few hours at the facility we hadn't slept since the night after our mission of destroying that weapon, it had been about 2 days and I felt exhausted and drained.

I could feel my eyelids drooping and my energy levels plummeting. The sterile walls and fluorescent lights of the facility were starting to blur together, making it harder and harder to keep my focus.

Carter looked just as worn out as I felt. His eyes were bloodshot, and his movements were slow and sluggish. It was clear that we were in dire need of rest and recuperation.

"I think you need sleep," Peter said as I felt myself sway slightly, I shook my head holding myself up "I'm fine"

"I think he's right you both look like hell when's the last time you slept or ate," Steve said as he stopped his conversation with Natasha. 

"We're fine" Carter repeated "Get something to eat and then take a power nap," Bruce said "You won't be much help if you're falling asleep all over the place" Tony added and I nodded giving in.

"We can fill you in on the plan once you wake up," James said.

I made my way to the room  Natasha directed us to with Carter. As soon as we entered the room, I flopped down onto the bed, feeling the exhaustion wash over me like a tidal wave. I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep, but my mind was still racing with thoughts of Sebastian.

Despite my exhaustion, I found it hard to switch off and relax. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw flashes of his face, the child we saw hooked up to machines and Lucas.

Carter must have been having similar thoughts because he spoke up, "I can't stop thinking about it," he said, his voice hoarse with fatigue.

"Me neither," I replied, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me. "But we need to rest, we can't be any good to anyone if we're exhausted."

Carter nodded in agreement, and we both closed our eyes, determined to get some much-needed rest. It wasn't long before the exhaustion finally caught up with me, and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I felt like a new person. The fatigue that had weighed me down just a few hours ago was gone, replaced by a sense of renewed energy and purpose. I stretched my arms and legs, feeling the stiffness melt away. 

I slapped Carter awake who woke up with a jolt.

As promised, the team filled us in on the plan it was pretty basic, Sebastian was most likely expecting us so we had to act fast. 

Carter and I stepped onto the quinjet that Sam had explained to us, it was impressive in comparison to the dingy car Lucas, Carter and I used to take on missions.  

"Y/n Carter you two find Sebastian, the rest of us will work on getting the people being experimented on to safety," Steve said and I nodded. 

We didn't know just how much ammunition and muscle would be waiting for us after all we didn't have enough time to properly explore. 

As we flew towards our destination, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. What if we weren't prepared for what we were about to face? What if something went wrong?

I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. We needed to find Sebastian and put an end to his nefarious plans.

As we landed, Carter and I jumped out of the quinjet, ready to face whatever lay ahead. We moved quickly and quietly, scanning the area for any signs of danger.

"His office?" Carter asked and I nodded as the Avengers began their attack. 

We made our way through the loud fighting and screaming and managed to make it onto our living quarters.

A rush of memories came back to me with the familiar surroundings but I pushed them aside. 

I pushed the large door of Sebastian's office open with my powers . He was in their hurriedly shoving files and other paper into a briefcase "I've been expecting you two" he said stopping and looking at us with a glare. 

"Great" I said standing with my arms crossed. 

He continued shooting daggers at me "why" Carter asked hurt evident in his voice "I gave you purpose I saved you from abandonment" he said walking towards us hurriedly. 

"You and Lucas were my first two experiments" he said with a sadistic look in his eyes, I watched as Carter's face fell "are my parents even missing" he said quietly and Sebastian laughed.

"Now that part I didn't lie about" he said "all of your parents had left you" he continued and then he turned to me "I wanted more with you" he said and I gave him a disgusted look "when Carter and Lucas's experiments were successful I knew I could do more" he continued 

  "you my darling have the power of a whole infinity stone" he placed a hand on my heart and I shifted uncomfortably "it's right here" he said and I scoffed "that's not even possible" I said swatting his hand away. 

"But it is" he said excitedly "the soul stone lost its protector for a brief moment in history and thankfully Hydra got to it before anyone else and after much debates I was given the opportunity to experiment with it" he continued 

"I of course used my knowledge of Lucas and Carters experiments and figured out a way to embed it in the next stray I found" he finished "aren't you glad it was you" he said 

I felt sick to my stomach as Sebastian spoke. How could someone we considered great be so twisted and evil? The thought of having an infinity stone embedded in me was horrifying.

"No, I'm not glad," I said, taking a step back from him. "You've used us for your own gain and what about the other people you've been experimenting on? You're a monster, Sebastian."

Sebastian's face twisted in anger at my words. "I'm not a monster, I'm a visionary," he said, his eyes blazing. "I'm on the cusp of unlocking the secrets of the universe, and you and the other experiments are the key to it all."

Carter stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. "We're not experiments, Sebastian we're human beings, with thoughts and feelings you can't just use us like that."

Sebastian sneered. "You're nothing but pawns in a much larger game, Carter and you, Y/n, you could be so much more darling, with the power of the infinity stone at your fingertips, you could rule the world."

I shook my head in disbelief. "I don't want to rule the world, Sebastian. I just want to be free from you and your twisted experiments."

Sebastian's expression softened for a moment "you are the best thing that happened to me" he said sincerely and then he lunged at me, his hand outstretched towards my chest.

I reacted quickly, using my powers to push him back with a burst of energy. He stumbled backwards, falling to the ground.

"What the hell" a voice spoke behind us and I turned to see Lucas.


lucas babe come on home 🫠

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lucas babe come on home 🫠

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