Chapter 4

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw two familiar faces staring back at me. At first, I was disoriented and confused, wondering how they had managed to sneak up on me like that. Then, as my vision cleared, I realized it was just Lucas and Carter standing over me.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream, causing them to jump back in surprise. They burst out laughing, and I couldn't help but join in.

"We made you breakfast," Carter said as handed me a tray that had a banana and a bowl of cereal on it with a glass of orange juice. 

"Cereal," I said raising an eyebrow and Lucas shrugged. I thanked them and began eating as they sat down next to me. 

"Sebastian wants to talk to you," Lucas said "We have another mission but he wants to make sure you're ok first" Carter continued and I stretched my back, trying to shake off the remaining soreness.

"I'm fine, I'm practically healed by now," I said, lying through my teeth. The truth was, I still felt a twinge of pain when I moved a certain way, but I didn't want to hold them back.

Lucas and Carter exchanged a knowing look but didn't push the issue. They knew me well enough to know that I was tough and resilient but also that I had my limits. 

I finished my breakfast and made my way to Sebastian's office, the bright white light blinding my vision as I stepped in. The darkness in the corridors and around the rest of the base had almost become comforting to me. The base was designed to be functional and efficient, with a minimalist aesthetic that prioritized practicality over comfort.

However, over time, the lack of colour and natural light started to feel almost cosy to me. It was as if the darkness had become a familiar friend, a constant presence in my daily routine that I could rely on to provide a sense of stability.

The boys always complained about it but to me in a world that was often chaotic and unpredictable, the darkness felt like a comforting constant, a reminder that even amid turmoil, there was still something that I could count on.

"How are you feeling," he asked taking his glasses off and putting them down on his desk "Better" I lied waiting for a response.

"Perfect, are you up for another mission?" he asked and I nodded taking the file he handed me and thanking him before walking out of my room. 

I read the material and realised we had to go and destroy a powerful weapon that could shift the balance of power in some evil hands, Sebastian wants us to stop them before they can deploy it. 

I got dressed in the same black clothing as usual and made my way to the car where Lucas was driving and Carter was in the passenger side. I grumbled before getting into the back.

The base was located deep in the mountains, hidden from view. It was surrounded by layers of security, and we knew we would have to use our powers to get past them.  

The guards were heavily armed and on high alert but we were determined to complete our mission.

I disappeared from view and slipped past the guards unnoticed. Carter charged forward, taking out the guards one by one and I appeared from behind to help him out. Meanwhile, Lucas used his powers to move objects out of the way and clear a path for us.

Finally, we reached the weapon and Sebastian hadn't downplayed the size of it, a massive device sat in the centre of a room surrounded by glass. 

"Really," I said as Carter used his powers to melt the door shut and Lucas moved the massive glass off the device. I put my hands out in front of me and began the process of destroying the device. 

Carter found the plans for the build and ripped them up leaving nothing but little shreds behind and Lucas hacked into the computer removing any digital traces of the plans. 

The door suddenly burst open and in ran another twenty guards. I used my powers to hold them all off straining a little in the process, it was a lot of work. 

Carter removed their guns from their hands and dropped them on the floor. 

"Hurry," I said to Lucas as he typed away "Done" he called out and I dropped the group of guards falling back in the process. My mask slipped off in the scuttle and I gasped before quickly using my hand to cover my mouth and nose as I pulled my mask back up.

As we made our escape, alarms blared and the guards chased after us but we were too fast, too powerful, and too determined to fail. We managed to get out just in time, and the weapon was destroyed, ensuring that the balance of power remained intact.

We regrouped back at base and were all exhausted but relieved. We had completed our mission and prevented a potential disaster. 

I contemplated telling Sebastian about how I had temporarily lost my mask and decided to do it just in case it compromised any future missions. He didn't take the news well but assured me he would work on figuring out a solution for the future.

Back at the Avengers facility, the Avengers watched the security footage in anticipation as we effortlessly destroyed a new weapon Shield had been working on. 

"Fuck" Tony sighed as he watched me blow the weapon up effortlessly. 

"Hold on," Bucky said pausing the footage "Go back a bit," he said and Tony rewinded the footage a little "Stop," he said and Tony paused "Zoom in," Bucky said and Tony obliged picking up on what he was putting down. 

"Right there her mask falls and you can see her face" Bucky pointed out "FRIDAY run diagnostics" Tony instructed and the AI began working. 

"Y/n L/n, seventeen years old and abandoned at the age of two by her parents David and Emily L/n," the AI said and the team waited for more information, after the silence they realised that was all they had on the girl.

"We need to bring them in," Steve said and Tony nodded in agreement "They're too young and clearly being influenced into this," Bucky said. 

"It's for their safety" Wanda added rewinding and watching how I destroyed the weapon like it was nothing with a smile on my face. 


same babe same 🧘🏼‍♀️

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same babe same 🧘🏼‍♀️

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