Chapter 15

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I guess my prayers were answered because commotion outside caught my attention. 

My head snapped in the direction of the door and I nearly cried tears of joy once I saw Peter enter dressed in his full suit. 

"Oh thank god" I cried. Peter rushed to my side, concern etched on his face as he took in the scene before him. "Hang on, I'm getting you out of here," he said, quickly assessing the situation.

He glanced around the room, taking in Rumlow's equipment and the restraints holding me down. "What the hell is going on here?" he asked, anger creeping into his voice, I guess no one had fully explained the situation to him. 

"Spider-boy, what do you think you're doing," Rumlow said, sneering at Peter.

Rumlow reached for a weapon, but before he could use it, Peter swung into action. His spider spider sense tingled as he dodged Rumlow's attack, his movements were graceful and precise. He landed a punch on Rumlow's jaw, sending the man reeling.

I watched in awe as Peter fought off Rumlow and his men with ease, his spider-like abilities giving him an advantage. He removed the restraints from my legs and arms and helped me to my feet, supporting me as I stumbled.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

"I am now," I said, relief flooding through me. "Thank you, Peter."

He gave me a small smile. "Anytime"

"Not so fast" Rumlow called out as he charged towards us again, I realised the metal collar was still around my neck preventing me from using my powers. 

"I could use Carter right now" I yelled as Peter continued dodging Rumlows blows. 

"Go find him" Peter called out sounding strained and I left there was nothing I could do if I didn't have my powers.

 I stumbled towards the door, my heart pounding in my chest. I had to find Carter fast. As I made my way down the hallway, I could hear the sounds of chaos and fighting all around me. I knew that I had to be careful, but I also knew that time was of the essence.

I rounded a corner and nearly collided with one of Rumlow's henchmen. Without hesitation, I delivered a swift kick to the man's gut and he crumpled to the ground. I continued my senses on high alert, scanning the area for any sign of Carter.

Finally, I saw him, engaged in a fierce battle with a group of Rumlow's men. He looked up as I approached, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Are you ok" he yelled over the noise of the fighting.

"I need your help," I yelled back ignoring his question and pointing to the metal collar around my neck. 

Carter nodded, understanding immediately he used his powers to remove the collar from my neck. Together, we fought our way back to the room where Peter was still holding off Rumlow. 

We walked in to see Peter hunched down on the floor with Rumlow towering over him. 

"Stop" I called out and Rumlow laughed "I knew you'd be back," he said smirking. 

It was like a switch had turned on inside me my powers were at their fullest abilities and I could feel the energy surging through my veins. I stood tall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Let him go, Rumlow," I said, my voice filled with authority. "You've lost."

Rumlow laughed again, his eyes glinting with malice. "I don't think so," he said confidently. 

As I floated in the air, I felt the full extent of my powers surging through me. My eyes glowed golden, and I could feel the energy emanating from my body. The room was filled with a bright, golden light, and everyone seemed to be in awe of the power I was displaying.

"what's going on," someone said from the doorway and the team appeared with Lucas wondering what the light was. 

As the team entered the room, their eyes widened in amazement at the sight before them. They had never seen such a display of power before, and they were in awe of the glowing figure hovering in the air.

Lucas pushed his way through the group, his eyes fixed on me. "What the hell is going on?" he shouted over the din of the chaos.

"Y/n happened," Carter said and I ignored everyone, staring down at Rumlow like he was the only one in the room. 

"What's happening to me?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

Wanda stepped forward, her hand reaching out to touch my arm. "You're tapping into your full potential," she said. "Your powers are stronger than you ever imagined."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "We always knew you were powerful, but this...this is something else," he said staring in awe.

I looked down at my hands, still glowing with golden light. I felt a surge of fear, wondering if I was losing control of my powers, I focused my mind, attempting control. I could feel the energy flowing through me.

With a deep breath, I lifted myself higher into the air, the golden energy swirling around me. I felt powerful and invincible, and I knew that nothing could stop me.

"Let's finish this," I said, my voice filled with determination.

With that, I launched myself towards Rumlow ready to take him down with the full force of my powers. As my energy surged through my veins, I could feel the air rush past me as I soared towards him a burst of golden energy emitted from my body.

The impact was tremendous. Rumlow was sent flying back with incredible force, his body slamming into a nearby concrete wall with a sickening thud. He crumpled to the ground, not moving, as the dust settled around him. 

As the adrenaline faded, the realization of what I had just done hit me like a ton of bricks. I stumbled in the air, my legs giving out and I collapsed onto the floor with a loud thud. The weight of what I had just done was overwhelming, and I was left gasping for breath, my heart racing in my chest

Lucas and Carter approached me, concern etched on their faces. "Are you okay?" Carter asked, his hand reaching out to touch my shoulder.

"No" I answered truthfully not taking my eyes off Rumlow.


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