Chapter 2

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As we arrived at the facility, I took a moment to assess the surroundings slightly impressed at the massive building. The facility was surrounded by high walls and patrol security. Everything was just like it said it would be in our files. We knew that we had to be careful not to draw any attention to ourselves

I got out of the car as the rain quickly made its way down wetting my hair in the process, not the most helpful but we had dealt with much worse before. 

Carter had parked the car towards the back, out of sight but easy enough for us to access.

We approached one of the back entrances and Lucas used his powers to grab nearby rocks and knock out the three security guards in our way. 

Carter melted the lock on the door and I used my powers to lift it up and away granting us entrance.

"Too easy" I whispered as Lucas and Carter grinned back at me. 

The place was dark and the lights were motion censored this wasn't always the best scenario as it was apparent that people were around. 

I nodded at Carter who made his way down to the many storage units as Lucas and I kept watch. 

Carter melted the whole door and I watched as it lay in a pool of goop on the floor. 

I gave him a disapproving look and he winked before walking through the open entrance and locating the equipment we needed.

"Show off" Lucas whispered as Carter lifted the box that had a bright red label reading DO NOT RELOCATE.

I carried the other box whilst Lucas grabbed the last box. 

Back in the facility, FRIDAY had alerted the few Avengers lounging around of an attempted break-in.

"Sir the individuals have bypassed security and are in the storage facility," the AI said shocking Tony. "They what," he said sitting up from his slouched position. 

"You're telling me someone bypassed security and then the six inches thick metal door" he continued "Yes boss," FRIDAY said and Tony glanced at Sam, Steve and Natasha with a confused expression.

"Alright who's going to go check this out," he said knowing full well he wasn't moving from his position.

"I'll go," Sam said rolling his eyes and getting up after the lack of response from everyone else. 

"I suggest you put those down" I heard a voice say behind us. I turned to see a man standing behind us with his hands resting on his hips. He seemed surprised once he saw the three of us.

He had short black hair, a defined jawline, and thick eyebrows with a scar above his left one.

"No sorry," I said as the three of us continued moving down the hall.

"I suggest you stop," he said walking after us, after our lack of compliance he sighed before charging at Lucas. 

I put my box down and used my powers to move the man back holding him in the air. He seemed taken aback not expecting the powers. 

"FRIDAY alert the others," he said into the air, he had a panicked look on his face yet he was trying his best to mask his expression. 

Within minutes two other men and a woman made their way down to where we were. 

"Do you mind putting my friend down?" a blond man said who I recognised as Captain America, I shook my head and instead tightened my hold on him.

"Who are you?" the woman said the infamous Black Widow, she had a pissed-off expression.

"Right let's stop and give them our backstory, hold on let me find my birth certificate," Carter said cheekily and Lucas laughed next to him. 

The man I was holding in the air was still resisting and I sighed before dropping him, he landed with a thud and Natasha rushed over to him "You ok Sam?" she asked and the man nodded getting up I rolled my eyes, it was only an eight feet drop.

"Put down the boxes," Captain America said and I shook my head smiling. 

I looked back at Lucas and Carter and nodded. We all grabbed our respective boxes and darted in two directions. Carter following me.

"All Avengers be aware enhanced loose in the building," Steve said as they all began running after us. 

Steve and Tony chased me and Carter as Natasha and Sam chased Lucas, they didn't even know Lucas and Carter had abilities yet.

We ran further down a hall but we were stopped in our path by a red-haired woman and a man with a metal arm. 

"Not so fast," the woman said she had her arms to her side like she was getting ready to fight. I didn't recognise her or the man. 

I watched as a bright red glowing energy emitted from her hands. I looked at Carter who was already looking at me in shock. Did this woman and I have the same powers?

I pushed my thoughts aside and instead used my own powers to block her attacks I hid the look of surprise as my abilities overpowered hers but couldn't help and grin at the look of surprise on her face. 

I pushed her back with force and watched her hit the wall, I watched as Carter fought off the man with a metal arm he was struggling a little but I waited before interfering, instead Carter used his abilities to make the man's arm fall off. 

The man stared at Carter in complete shock and then back at the woman. 

I was knocked off my feet when an object collided with my back. 

Carter gasped as he watched Captain America's shield fall. 

"Not so strong now are you," Tony said as they finally caught up with us. 

Carter had an angry look on his face. He used his abilities to pick the shield up and launched it full force back at Steve and Tony who stared at him in shock. They hadn't seen his abilities yet.

We used this moment to make our escape, we both grabbed our boxes and ran back to the car. We waited in anticipation for what felt like forever for Lucas to come out. 

The look of relief was evident on my face as he ran out with his box and jumped into the car. 

Carter pressed on the accelerator the minute Lucas got into the car and we sped away leaving the facility behind.


sam just got his ass kicked 🤣

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sam just got his ass kicked 🤣

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