Chapter 7

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"Let's talk," Steve said as he entered the room with Natasha and Tony. 

"How about no thanks," I said as I attempted to use my powers again I was met with a shock in my whole body. 

"The more you do that the more it's gonna hurt," Tony said "I suggest you stop" Natasha added.

"Yeah as if you care if we get hurt," I said rolling my eyes "We do," Steve said and I scoffed at him as he raised an eyebrow. "Your little shield did a number on my back" I reminded him as he thought for a second then winched. 

"How bad?" he asked and I gave him a dirty look "Yeah, let me just strip and show everyone everything," I said sarcastically, causing Tony and Natasha to stifle their laughter.

Steve's face turned pink with embarrassment. "I'm sorry," he said quickly. "I didn't mean it like that." "Perv" I whispered and he opened his eyes wide at the accusation as I stifled a laugh of my own at his expression.

"Do you know who you work for?" Tony said attempting to change the conversation "Yeah some guy who flies around in a metal suit" Carter smirked "It's not like I have a LinkedIn profile to list my previous employers" he added and Tony sighed defeated. 

"Why are you guys stealing powerful weapons and destroying ones being built to subside threats," Natasha said getting to the point.

I shifted uncomfortably from my position on the floor "I can't answer that," I said firmly, keeping my tone as steady as possible.

Natasha's eyes narrowed at my response. "Can't or won't?" she pressed, her tone insistent.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Look, I understand your concerns," I said, trying to choose my words carefully. "But I'm just following orders, I'm not the one making the decisions." 

Everything I said was true, I didn't decide what we did but now I was seriously starting to doubt why we did what we did. It suddenly began to sound like we were on the wrong side. 

"Just tell us who you're working for," Steve said and I gave him a look to shut up, as much as I wanted to say and figure out what the hell was going on I stopped myself. I shook my head no and Carter answered for us. 

"She's not a snitch, Cap," Carter said, giving Steve a smirk. "I, on the other hand, will sing like a canary for a good lawyer and a foot massage" he joked watching Steve and Tony scowl as Natasha displayed an unamused face. 

"Take your masks off," someone said entering the room, I looked to see the red-haired girl striding in. 

"Welcome back darling" I smirked as she gave me an annoyed expression. "Masks now," she said and Carter glanced down at his belt, I mentally face-planted at his stupidness. 

"Thank you," Steve said as he walked over to Carter pressing the button as his mask fell off, he walked over to me next and I rolled my eyes "Careful where you touch captain," I said making him back away uncomfortably before he got a chance to press anything. 

Natasha sighed and walked over pressing the button on my belt instead. "You guys are barely adults," Tony said as he masked his shocked expression once the masks fell. 

Now getting a good look at me and a first look at Carter.

"Age ain't nothing but a number" Carter sang and I smiled. "Tell strawberry shortcake to stop staring," I said not even looking in her direction. "It's Wanda," she said correcting me "Don't care," I said smiling sweetly. 

"We'll be back," Natasha said "Looking forward to it babe," I said blowing her a kiss as they all left the room. 

My expression turned emotionless as I turned to Carter "What the fuck are we doing for him" I said and he looked back at me sharing the same expressionless look "I don't know anymore" he said. 

The weight of our actions was heavy on our shoulders. We had been so sure that what we were doing was right, that we were fighting for a man who only meant good but now we weren't so sure.

Carter and I sat for another hour doing nothing before we deemed it safe to play out our plan. I nodded and Carter dislocated his thumb easily slipping off the cuff that was stopping his powers from working. 

He manipulated the cuff around my wrist to come off and it fell with a thud. I used my powers to open the door and we both snuck out of the room. Chances were they'd already seen us escape and someone would be here any minute.

 We began running down a corridor and were stopped by an attractive, young, lean guy who had messy brown hair and hazel eyes. He stared at Carter and me with eyes wide open "What - how did you guys" he started and I recognised his voice

"Web guy," I said and narrowed my eyes at him "Let's go" Carter urged and I used my powers to lift him in the air, I watched him struggle for a bit and then suddenly felt bad I instead threw him back a couple of feet as Carter grabbed my arm. 

As we continued down the corridor, my mind raced with thoughts about the web guy. He was definitely cute, but we couldn't let him distract us from our mission. I couldn't deny that I felt a tinge of guilt for throwing him, but it was necessary to keep our escape plan on track.

Carter and I sprinted down the hall, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible. We turned a corner and saw a group of guards up ahead. Carter grabbed my arm, signalling for us to hide behind the wall.

"We're going to have to take them out," he whispered, his eyes intense with focus. I nodded and positioned myself. "Hey boys," I said as I lifted them all and dropped them a couple of feet behind us. 

We began running again and didn't stop running until we made it as far away as possible from the facility. 


this is my favourite chapter so far 🤭

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this is my favourite chapter so far 🤭

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