Chapter 9

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Carter and I made our way back to my room for a sense of privacy. No good was going to come our way if  Sebastian or Lucas found us again.

"Has he ever done that before?" Carter said so quietly I could barely hear it, I nodded before taking a deep breath.

"The night he gave us our suits I couldn't sleep and found him in the kitchen, it was all fine until it wasn't, he got uncomfortably close to me saying some unsettling things" I revealed shuddering at the memory. 

"He was so close and so intimate," I said struggling to find the right words. Carter was astonished but I could tell he believed me fully after what he pulled today you'd have to be blind not to believe that man felt unexplainable feelings towards me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off, trying to keep my emotions in check for the time being. "I'm fine it's just unsettling I never thought him of all people would act this way towards me" I finished as Carter gave me a knowing look.

Carter and I decided to regroup in an hour giving us enough time to change, shower and pull ourselves together.

I took my suit off and hopped into the shower scrubbing my face hard wishing to wash away the feeling of Sebastian on my face.

I'd considered him a father figure my whole life, someone I looked up to and admired but these last few days that image of him in my head had been erased and replaced with one of disgust and fear.

A knock on my door pulled me away from my thoughts. Carter entered the room closing it carefully behind himself.

"Let's go," he said and I nodded. 

As we made our way through the dimly lit corridors, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. We were about to do something that Sebastian had explicitly forbidden us from doing, and the consequences could be dire.

During all our time spent in this base Sebastian had instructed us to never leave this level and today we were going to do that.

With each step we took, my heart beat faster, and I could feel the weight of the unknown bearing down on me. 

The door leading to the stairs was slowly pushed open by my powers and Carter and I started walking down.

We walked down one level and peeked through the door that would lead us to the entrance. It was all empty.

I'm sure if we were going to find something it wouldn't be on the level below us Sebastian wouldn't be stupid enough to do that.

Instead, I signalled for Carter to continue walking and we didn't stop until we made it to the last level. My heart was racing.

I pushed open the door and people were walking around busily. People I had never seen before.

I held my head high trying my best to blend in and Carter did the same. 

"You're fine" I whispered reaching back to grab his hand lightly squeezing it reassuringly. 

We walked to the end of the corridor which seemed to have fewer people.

I peeked into a room and what stood in front of me made my stomach churn with disgust.

There was a child passed out laying down on a metal table, there were various wires and machines plugged into the child and a group of people crowded around him. 

Carter watched in disbelief next to me we both shared a concerned look. I glanced around at the last few doors and they all housed similar activities. 

There were people of different ages, genders, builds and ethnicities hooked up to painful machinery.

"What the hell is this" I whispered "Nothing good for sure" he answered. We were both pulled away from the door by the sound of a voice.

Sebastian was stood there with a stoic look on his face.

"I told you not to disobey me," he said approaching us with long strides "Don't disappoint me like that" he continued stopping inches away from my face he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and I gulped. 

"Stop" Carter's voice rang in my ear "Don't touch her," he said pushing me back away from Sebastian 

Sebastian raised an eyebrow and turned his attention towards Carter "And who are you to speak to me like that?" he asked in a low voice.

Carter stood his ground, a determined look on his face. "I'm someone who won't let you hurt her," he said firmly.

Sebastian let out a cold laugh. "You think you can protect her, you were nothing and I made you something, boy don't forget that"

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the tense exchange between the two of them. I knew that Carter was brave, but Sebastian was powerful, too powerful. I didn't want to see him hurt because of me.

"ok well fuck you and whatever crazy shit you have going on here," Carter said and Sebastian stared at him through narrowed eyes and before I even had a chance to blink Sebastian had slapped Carter in the face.

I gasped as Carter held his cheek. The fear slowly left my body and got replaced by anger "Don't touch him" I said as I used my powers to lift Sebastian off the floor.

Never in our seventeen years of life had either of us ever used our powers on Sebastian but I guess there was a first time for everything. 

I held him in the air as Carter whispered in my ear "We need to go and get proper help we can't save all these children on our own" he said and I nodded.

I threw Sebastian into a door his angry expression was engraved into my head before leaving out of the emergency exit door. 

Carter and I began running and eventually made it outside. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this but we need the Avengers," I said and Carter nodded in agreement. 

"Will they even hear us out?" Carter asked and I shrugged my shoulders "If they're anything like what they say they are like then they will hear us out" I replied before we started making the trek to the facility.


sebastian's a bit too deranged imo 💁🏽‍♀️

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sebastian's a bit too deranged imo 💁🏽‍♀️

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