Chapter 3 - Hell and Homework

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Caius leaned over, shadowing me away from the scene that was unfolding behind. His right forearm rested on the wall above my head, letting his cloak encircle us so barely any light could enter.

"You're making my job awfully difficult, darling." His eyes darkened, and an evil smile spread across his lips. "What would Aro do, if he found out you tried to leave against his command...hmm?"

My breath hitched, I tried to slide away but his left arm slammed against the wall making the concrete crumble beneath his fingertips.

"What would... Jane do? There's no need for tears. I can only protect you if you do as you're told."

"I don't need your protection." I hissed.

"You say that now, but don't forget you're still a mutant. I left you in a room for 5 minutes to train with Jane and Alec and you almost died."

My heart thrummed steadily, a constant reminder that I would never be a full vampire.

"Do us both a favour... Do as you're told, or face the consequences of your actions." He suddenly stood upright, light flooded across my vision and I was forced to see the scene around me. Bodies with their bones snapped and twisted that way or the other. The floor and walls were slick with blood and everywhere, vampires sucked away at the necks of their struggling, half-alive victims.

"Over there,"

I looked in the direction Caius was pointing. A girl, around 20 or so, her left foot mangled, was desperately trying to force the main door open.

"All yours,"

I could smell her sweet scent, the untouched, lavish blood that circulated through her body, and that extra component, fear. Her heart was beating fast, and her warmth emanated out from her, even from this distance. I...couldn't. No. She was human.

"Careful now..." Caius murmured, "They're watching."

I turned, meeting Aro's gaze. He was sitting on his throne, watching intently, waiting for my response. Next to him, Jane smiled, Her eyes were glowing red, yet not a drop of blood had managed to get onto her and she stood neatly, not a hair out of place.

I swallowed, turning back to look at the girl.

Better get it over and done with.

I sped over grabbing her by the neck. She screamed loudly, clawing at my arms in her futile attempts to stop me. She started sobbing loudly, tears and snot pouring down her face.

"Please, Let me go." She wailed "Please, I'll do anything. I-"

Closing my eyes, I pushed her head suddenly to the side. A sickening snap sounded through the room and she went limp in my arms.

When I opened my eyes, she was still breathing, her eyes were glassy and distant and I could see the bone edging its way through her skin. Trying not to think to hard, I attached my lips to her neck and drank her blood.

It was painfully delicious.

Thick warm blood flowed through my mouth sating the itch in my throat. I drank three gulps before my conscious forced me to fling her body away. I felt disgusted, strong, and close to tears.

"Pity," Aro's voice echoed through the chamber. "You looked like you were finally starting to enjoy it."

I couldn't focus on his words. My breaths were shattering. Every sound was overwhelming and yet I kept thinking.

I just killed someone. I just killed someone. I just killed someone.

What would Carlisle say? What would Tristan?

I forced back tears, shaking my head to focus.

...What would Seth?

My knees buckled, I could no longer breath. I started to gag, but the blood refused to come back up. The ground started to tremble, I could feel the weakness of the marble, the entire building, the molecules of vampire structure, waiting at my command to bend to my will...

And something else.

My heart beat faster, faster then it ever had. A warmth started to spread through me. It was getting warmer and warmer when suddenly a pair of arms rested on me.


He glanced over his shoulder, signalling someone.

Alec appeared in my view, his black clouds leeching out of him. This time I didn't struggle when they enveloped me. It was silent and I couldn't see, but he was also muting my emotions, my feelings. I could feel myself calming down. And soon, I fell into a deep sleep.


"You're still here?"

I looked up to see Amy standing over me, her arms full of papers.

"Yeah," I rubbed my eyes trying to seem more awake. The library was silent, except for the constant clacking of the keyboard by the librarian. I checked the clock, it was almost 6.

Ever since the meeting with Principle Weber, I had spent almost all my time in the library trying to catch up on my work. Thankfully, there'd been extra-credit assignments in some classes which I could just take instead of having to repeat many tests.

My grades were going up, while sleep was going down.

"Here, eat this." Amy handed me something.

Without analysing it properly, I bit into it and almost spat it out.

"What is that! It's revolting!"

"Dried guarana, its a little old but it'll keep you awake. Eat it."

I chewed quickly before swallowing, gulping water down quickly.

"So?" Amy asked

"Definitely awake but because of the taste." She rolled her eyes at me, setting down her papers and taking the seat in front of me. "What are you doing here so late?" I asked.

"Principle Weber assigned me and Jess to arrange the Spring Dance. She obviously couldn't be arsed to do anything, so here I am, designing 20 posters by hand because I was relying on the stupid school printer that's conveniently broken down." Amy slammed her bag onto the table with finalty, tearing the zipper open to pull out her pencil case.

"Let me help." I offered,

"No, you need to study."

"Trust me, I can help. I have time later tonight."


"Why not?"

"You suck at colour theory."

"Ok, first of all, that is not true. I just have a unique style, and secondly, I can draw. You know I can. I'll help you draw and you can colour everything out tonight. Deal?"

"Fine, but I'm warning you Clearwater, anything bad and I will tear your hair from your head."

"Like you're strong enough."

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