Chapter 11 - Dearly beloved...

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I barely recognised the throne room.

The Volturi's chairs had been removed from the platform and placed on the balcony upstairs where Aro, Marcus and the rest of the guard were currently watching.

A chandelier of the same flowers I held, cascaded from the ceiling, hung up by lengths of black silk. All around, dark purple candles were lit, illuminating the room as well as the large fireplace. Someone had thrown pellets of potassium into the fire and glowed lilac. 

Chairs had been set up too. All of them black mahogany, and each sporting a vampire. 

They were intimidatingly beautiful, as much as Aro prided in talents, he prided in beauty as well. Yet I felt that instinctive chill down my spine. Anyone of these vampires could attack at any moment, and I knew that they could smell my blood.

They were all standing, facing the long purple aisle which I would begin to walk down soon enough. Their red eyes were vivid and I could smell the bronze goblets of human blood they held in their hands.

It was child blood, based off of the purity of its scent. Untouched by vaccines, bad food or any traces of illnesses, a delicacy in this world.

And far down the aisle, standing under a purple silk tent, was Caius. He was wearing a deep purple suit, sculpted to perfection against his frame. The tailcoat was so dark purple, it was almost black, save for the gold buttons.  In true vampire fashion, the collar was long and stiff, extending just under his jawline. His hair had been slicked back and in one coat button, a black-tipped purple rose was threaded through.

His eyes were on me. They were darkening enough that it looked as though they were a strange shade of brown. His gaze was impassive, but his fingers were twitching. A flicker of a smile passed through his jaw before resting.

"Come on," Chelsea whispered, She passed my hand to Demetri who took it leading me forward and down the purple carpet aisle.

As I passed the rows a vampires, I could feel their glares laying on to me. They were all on edge, as if waiting for something grand to occur. Some who hadn't noticed my heartbeat, hissed or reared back, scraping their chairs loudly across the marble floor. The sounds were always followed by the snap of their neck as the Volturi guard came forward and dealt with the perpetrator.

I suddenly understood the need of the fireplace as their bodies were carried and thrown into it.

"Don't focus on them," Demetri spoke softly, although audible to everyone. "Focus in front of you." I turned away from the fireplace, my hand gripping so tightly onto Demetri's arm, the fabric had begun to tear.

Caius met my eyes. He dipped his head gently, encouraging me. I was almost there.

Demetri kissed my hand before handing me over to Caius who in turn, kissed my hand, and then my forehead. He lead me up under the canopy of purple satin and roses, never once letting go of me.

"Dearly beloved," Aro's voice rang out through the chamber, loud and clear. "We are gathered here on this splendid occasion to join the hands of my dear brother, and our newest member of the family, Neveah." He smiled down at me, a chilling feeling, like the grin of a soulless beast.

Something brushed my arm. I looked down to see Caius running his slender fingers up and down my bare skin, his attention was on Aro.

"...We are most delighted to welcome her into our home. She has proved to be one of the most remarkable vampires I've ever known despite her abnormalities. And most of all, she has proven her devotion to my brother as he has to her..."

At this, Caius leant towards me.

"You look beautiful," He murmured

"Fat chance if you think I'll reciprocate that compliment." I hissed. He chuckled, gently pulling me closer by the waist.

"Oh, this will be one fun era," Caius grinned, tucking a strand of loose hair back, before peeling off one of my black silk gloves. He held my bare hand gently but firmly, and slid something onto my left hand. When his hands disappeared, a second silver ring had found its way around my finger next to the diamond. It was thinner and had tinier purple stones embedded at intervals.

"I pledge my loyalty to you, Neveah Sanchez. I give you my heart and trust you care for it." He vowed

"Pity, I might have believed you until you said you had a heart."

Someone cleared their throat. I turned around to see Felix, looking like a more muscular penguin compared to Demetri. He held a purple cushion, on top of which lay a silver ring similar to mine.

I picked it up, looking from the silver band, to Caius and back to the silver band again.

There was cough, I looked up to see Aro watching me intently and turned to again to see the rest of the vampires, solemnly standing as though they were soldiers. I turned to face Caius and swallowed hard. He waited patiently. I'd never seen him so calm, so young... so boy-like.

"Caius, I pledge myself to you. You've offered and I now accept, I take your heart and treasure it as closely as I treasure mine."

I will treasure the power you've ensnared in me. The power you vested and trusted me not to betray. I will take care of your heart Caius, because your heart is my strength, my power, and my way home.

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