Chapter 7 - Leah, please

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"...Leah, please!"

"No!" My sister turned away, drawing her legs up the couch and reopening her book.

"I'm part of the pack too!" I protested pulling at her shoulder. She shrugged me off.

"Mom said you're not allowed until your grades go back up, I'm not telling." 

"I'm working as hard as I can! Besides, how am I supposed to focus on school if something like this is driving me mad?" I chased after her whilst she sped up the stairs. "Please, Leah! I'll do anything!"

She halted, muttering to herself distinctly.


Leah sighed heavily, turning around. Her eyes were swollen with a lack of sleep and she'd grown so thin from running each night she resembled a skeleton. I hadn't noticed how her nightly watches had taken a toll on her. A pang of guilty ran through me. If I hadn't slacked off at school, Leah wouldn't have had this work load.

"Jacob is outside, he's agreed to talk to you." She said softly. "Now please stop pestering me, you know I cannot overcome alpha orders." She turned away to go to her room.

Jacob was already waiting when I came outside. He'd phased back to human and stood, shirtless against Mom's car.

"Hi Seth," He said. He waited for me to get close enough before tackling me under his arm and rubbing my head ferociously. 

"Stop!" I said, trying to wriggle loose in a wasted attempt. I let myself succumb to my fate, pushing Jacob away as soon as his arm loosened.

"Alright, alright, calm down." Jacob said his arms up in the air. "How've you been?"

"Quit stalling," I spat, "What's going on? Why is Nev's social worker dead? Who's the vampire?"

"Mrs Miller? Neveah's social worker..." Jacob's eyes widened, I could feel his mind racing.

"What is it?"

"I-I need to go." Jacob said quickly. 

"What?! No! Wait!" I grabbed onto his arm, he shrugged me off easily. Well if skin contact wouldn't do, might as just go for anything. I lunged towards him, my fingers hooking around the belt loops of his shorts.

"Seth!" Jacob yelled, appalled. I didn't let go. His pants started to slip and he fought to keep them on. "Your mother is inside! I get that you're a teenager but this is really too much!"


I hung on tight.

"Ok! Ok! Fine! I'll tell you what I know!" Jacob whirled around to face me. "There was a vampire sighting last night, not the Cullens. They came into LaPush and completely messed up Miller's home, car and her. The only thing is that this vampire doesn't have a scent."

"It doesn't have a scent?" I asked completely shocked. Vampire smells were always powerful, so powerful it could make your head spin. Except for Neveah's, hers was...foresty, like vanilla bark and pine.

Jacob shook his head.

"No, but we've found traces of it everywhere around LaPush, the Cullens don't know either. Alice can't track because apparently we're too stinky for her and Edward can't pick out any unnatural thoughts. Are you done? can you let go of my pants now?"

"Hold on! Why did you look so shocked when I told you who Mrs Miller was?" I asked.

Jacob's face paled to a shade of white I didn't know existed. I felt chills crawl down my spine. I had a feeling I'd be sorry to have asked...


Who do you think the mystery vamp is? Comment your guesses!

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