Keene panics

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Cecile ran all the way up to Keene once she spotted him, strolling around the block with a flashlight out and formally checking the perimeters like he usually does every night without fail.

Obviously sensing her, he spun towards her direction. "Cecile? What're you doing here?" He gave a puzzled expression. "It's pretty late past curfew." He explained.

Panting from running all the way from the dorms just to find the head of security, she managed to catch her breath and make out the words, "I don't know how and why but there's an intruder van nearby the girl's dorms and their target is Seraphina. Or so I heard."

Shocked, Keene almost drops his flashlight. "No way.. I mean, it's Seraphina. Everybody in Wellston including outsiders know how powerful she is! A level 8.0, who in their right mind?" Keene tries to reason while rationalizing his thoughts.

A bead of sweat rolls down Cecile's face. "I've heard they've got ability disablers. That's how they'll be able to get to them"

Keene's face contorts. "Them?" Cecile nods. "Yes, them. Seraphina, John, Elaine, Isen, Blyke, Remi, and even Arlo. They all pose a risk of being targeted because they're all somewhat involved with this terrorist group but I don't really know much about it."

"How do you think they bypassed your ability, sir? Your range covers the entire school." Cecile questions boldly to which he can only say, "I-... I don't know. If what you're saying is true we have to hurry! Come with me, it may not be safe out here Cecile." He holds Cecile's hand and quickly guides her and himself back into the school, where the Headmaster resides at the moment.

Arlo is found knocking on the dormroom's door and John steps up to open it.

Blyke had actually wanted to be the one to check the door instead in fear of it being an intruder because of his protective nature but John simply refused to allow anyone other than himself check incase an intruder used their ability on them.

There was no way he'd allow some stranger to hurt his friends.

Opening up the door to see his beloved, stupid idiot blonde behind it made his heart jump in relief. He sighed contentedly and smiled slightly. "I knew you'd be safe." John teases. "Of course, I'm not your King for nothing, John." Arlo teased back.

John fakes an astonished expression. "How dare you!"

Arlo can only chuckle lightly at the response. How can John still be so cute in a situation like this? Well in any case, this is still a way better scenario to be in compared to the last time in which they only had two dampened god-tiers and a healer.

Bro this was sitting in drafts since.. august 2023 yall..



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