The First Day.

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The halls of UA Academy were full of life. Students could be seen mingling between one another, each one brimming  with excitement.

"Hey!" Someone yelled on Izuku's left. Confused, Izuku looked around trying to figure out where and who, eventually locking eyes with a face in the wall.

"You're a first year right?" They continued.

"Uh... Yeah?" Izuku replied,  more than a little weirded out.

"Knew it. The names Mirio Togata, I'm a third year student. What class are you in?"


"Ah, you've got Sekijiro-Sensei. Follow me."

After Togata-Senpai had phased the rest of the way through the wall, he began to lead Izuku down the hallway, other students stepping out of his way.

The walked passed by in an awkward silence, Izuku unsure of what to say.

People weren't normally this nice to him.

"So, this is your classroom." Togata-Senpai declared, turning to face him. "Your teacher is Vlad King. He's pretty easy going and is a great help, but if you want help from a fellow student you can find me in the 3-B classroom or in the library."

Izuku watched as the blonde boy went back the way he came, disappearing from sight.

"Please don't be Kachan." Izuku muttered in prayer as he entered the room.

The classroom was mostly full, some other students still having not turned up yet. A few people turned to look at Izuku as he entered the room, though thankfully Kachan wasn't one of them. In fact, his bully wasn't even amongst the members of his class.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

"Green Bean." The girl with vine like hair said, nodding at the seat next to her.

Seeing as he didn't have much choice, Izuku made his way over to her.

"Ibara Shiozaki." She said as he sat down.

"Huh, what?"

"My names Ibara Shiozaki."

"Oh. I'm Izuku Midoryia."

"Greenie!" A blonde boy yelled, sliding across his desk, coming to a stop before he fell off. "You don't want to waste your time with this wench, unless you like sitting there for hours on end as she sun bathes."


"Oh where are my manners, my name is Neito Monoma."

"Izuku Midoryia." Izuku replied, shaking his hand. "Do you two know each other?"

"Indeed. One tends not to forget the face of a fellow orphan. Especially this one."

"Well done jackass. Just announce it to the whole world why don't you." Shiozaki said, her face and voice devoid of any emotion.

"Oh, believe me, that's the plan."

Before Shiozaki could strangle Monoma, Vlad King walked into the now full room.

"Monoma, what are you doing out of your seat?" He asked, an exhausted look on his face.

'It's not even been a minute and he looks mad.' Izuku thought with a gulp.

"Anyway." The Hero continued. "My name is Kan Sekijiro and I will be your teacher for the next three years. Unless I die."


Toshinori was crouched atop a thick tree branch watching the class down below.

Shouta Aizawa. An underground Hero who went by the alias of Eraserhead. His Quirk, Erasure. He could temporarily erase a person's Quirk assuming they were in his line of sight and he didn't blink.

As one of the teachers at UA Academy, he had permission to teach how he saw fit. Unfortunately, his method of teaching was quite cruel, malicious and unnecessary, expelling whole classes beacuse a few were lacking. He held the record for the most expelled students nationwide.

That did not make for a good teacher.

"I understand that you like giving teachers the freedom to do with their classes as they see fit." Toshinori had said to Nezu during their most recent meeting. "However, Eraserhead is not suited for this kind of job."

"What do you propose I do then?" The rat replied, staring into Toshinori's soul. "Have me fire the man? You know why he's here, without UA's protection the remaining members of His forces will stop at nothing to get to him."

"Let me swap roles with him."


"Let me be the primary teacher for Class 1-A and have Eraserhead teacher the Heroics Classes."

"Can you even manage that?"

"I have five hours a day left in this form. That should be enough to get me through a day. If I go past my limit then so be it."

"Have you thought about find-"

"No. One For All is my burden to bear. I will not hand this curse over to another innocent person."

'Well Nezu.' Toshinori thought. 'Here goes nothing.'

Toshinori somersaulted out of the tree, flipping elegantly in the air, before landing with a superhero pose.

"I Am Here!" He yelled, his trade mark smile on his face. "To relive Eraserhead of duty and take control over my class."

Before Eraserhead could respond, Toshinori passed him a note from Nezu himself.

After a brief moment, he sighed and left with a scowl on his face, leaving all the equipment behind for Toshinori to use.

'I'm sorry Eraserhead.' Toshinori apologized. 'But until you seek help and overcome your own grief I can't permit you to teach anymore children. All you'll do is damage them and yourself.'

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