King of the Hill.

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For the second time in his life, Izuku was shackled to his fellow classmates. This time however, they were a team of four and they had to take on the rest of the school.

Their plan was quite simple. Itsuka, Hanta Sero -a student from Class 1-A- and himself would keep the other contestants away from Ibara.

Ibara would defend the hill.

Apparently, her Quirk was much more powerful and complicated then everyone thought. Izuku, was quite curious, after all how was a Quirk called Vine complicated?

Midnight blew her whistle and moments later the field erupted into chaos.

Shouto Todoroki, blasted the ground in-between everyone with his flames, baking the earth and making it quite uncomfortable to stand on.

"Hill to the left." Ibara said, pointing at the tallest mound of grass and dirt in the battlefield. "After all, I want this victory to be spectacular."

She had a sharp edge to her voice, and her jaw seemed to be clenched tightly. Almost as if she was mad about something.

"Let's do this shit!" Sero yelled and the four of them shot off for the hill Ibara had pointed out.

Apparently, a couple other teams had the same idea as them, but Itsuka had been able to bat them away with her oversized hands.

A bird-like shadow suddenly rocketed through the air, headed straight for them. This was Fumikage Tokoyami's Quirk, Dark Shadow. He was a sentient mass of shadows with his own personality. Apparently, Dark Shadow was the soul of Fumikage's dead twin brother. Unless that was a joke Izuku's bird-headed classmate had told him. Although, knowing the kind of Edge Lord Fumikage was, it could very well be both.

Izuku quickly fired off two shots with his gauntlet... Which did nothing. The energy blasts went straight through the shadowy construct and fizzled out before they could do any damage. However, the brief flashes of light made by his gauntlet caused Dark Shadow to flinch.

"Sero, could you wrap my gauntlet with your tape please?" Izuku asked.

"Uhh... Sure thing." The 1-A boy replied, quickly dispensing tape from his elbows. How Sero's Quirk worked, Izuku had no idea.

Did his body naturally convert some of the nutrients in his body into a tape-like substance? What happened if he retracted his tape back into his arms? After all, tape was sticky and it was bound to get stuck to things? Did his arms get infected easily? What happened if he got water up there? Water was known to ruin sticky-tape.

"Umm? Can I answer these questions later?" Sero asked.

Izuku's eyes widened as his face turned red. He had muttered again, and not only embarrassed himself but made his ally uncomfortable.

"Thanks. Um... Itsuka, can you hold my gauntlet? I need to fire off an attack that is more light than anything."

"Okay?" She replied, with a raised eyebrow.

"Dark Shadow flinched under the light of my gauntlet before. And considering that he's... Well, a shadow, it makes sense that light would be his weakness."

"Ah. Pokemon logic. Got it."

Izuku ignored Itsuka's attempt at a joke, aimed for Dark Shadow who was quickly covering ground. And then he activated the firing mechanism.

Despite the extra support from Itsuka, Izuku's shoulder still lurched backwards from the recoil, his shoulder nearly tearing out of its socket.

Dark Shadow shrieked in agony as it was hit with the mother of all flashbangs, before retreating back into Fumikage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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