Embers of Power.

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Ochacko dodged to the side, barely avoiding the cone of the azure flames.

Bakugo however, took the flames head on, his entire body detonating as the flames ignited his sweat. Moments later he retaliated with a multitude of smaller, yet powerful explosions.

"Why won't you just fucking die?" The enemy pyromancer growled.

"Because, I am going to become the Number One Hero." Bakugo declared. "And as the future Number One Hero I can't go around losing to pathetic, burnt up extras like you!"

Bakugo pulled the pin on his gauntlet, unleashing a devastating explosion on the villain. The road beneath cracked and shattered into a million pieces as the explosion tore through the city, hitting the villain directly.

'Woah, that's cool.' Ochako thought. Sure, her Zero Gravity was a pretty useful Quirk and All Might's One For All was a massive powerhouse. But, she currently has limited access to One For All and her own Quirk was nowhere near as cool as Bakugo's.

And yet, despite the amazingly powerful and versatile Quirk at his beck and call, Katsuki Bakugo seemed to have a chip on his shoulder.

There was some problem weighing him down, preventing him from being a better person. And she was going to help him.

"What are you looking at?" He growled.

Before Ochako could answer, another jet of fire was blasted between the pair.

"You mother-fucking cunt!" The villain yelled as he staggered to his feet. "I thought you fucking brats weren't meant to kill, beacuse that damn attack nearly fucking killed me!"

"Keep him distracted." Ochacko whispered, ducking behind cover before he could argue.

The sounds of Bakugo and the villain fighting rang out through the arena as Ochako slowly made her way to the vantage point.

She had seen this place much earlier in their fight and had considered using it. However, she didn't think Bakugo would survive the fight on his own. But now with the villain critically injured, Bakugo could handle himself.

Now, all she had to do was worry about how Bakugo would react to what she was about to do.


Six Months Ago: Dagobah Beach.

Ochacko landed face first in the sand. Standing back up, she quickly spat out the coarse grains and got ready to fight again.

Her opponent, All Might stood on the other side of the marked out ring beckoning her over with his hand. Taunting her.

Lunging at the man, One For All coursing throughout her body. All Might side stepped the attacked, and sent her crashing to the ground with a single attack.

Clenching her jaw in mild frustration, Ochako stood back up and readied herself to attack him once more. Surely, she would finally land a single blow on him.

She did not.

"Young Uraraka." He boomed, his voice shaking her to her core. "Let me give you some advice. If you find yourself in a fight in which you are greatly out-matched physically, try to outwit your opponent. A cheap shot to an obvious weak spot for example, or kicking sand into one's face. People may not like it, but fighting dirty has pulled me out of many tuff situations in the past."

Nodding, Ochako dusted herself off and prepared to attack him once more. Hopefully she would succeed this time. After all, they were on a beach and All Might was leaving his weakened side exposed.

Even after giving her that tip.


Ochacko had successfully snuck around behind the villain. Briefly closing her eyes to focus, she channeled One For All through her leg and kicked the villain.

Her foot slid up the gap between his legs, her foot making contact with his crown jewels. The sheer force of her kick sent the man flying through the air, however as he came crashing back down she punched him.

Bones crunched beneath her hand as the villain was launched back into the air, and through the roof of the USJ.

Smiling, Ochacko looked down at her hands, watching as the pink lighting from One For All receded. And to think that was only five percent of One For All's total power.

Looking back up she saw Bakugo staring at her, mouth agape.

"Why the fuck couldn't you have done that earlier?" He demanded.


Shouto Todoroki despised people with mutation Quirks. They were so unsightly and were generally impractical.

Being stuck as a human, but with the aspects of a wolf as well as some biological changes that made no sense for a human to have? Disgraceful.

Being able to manipulate the weather? No biological changes made to the body, could be successfully used in Heroics without looking like a freak and was also good for normal day to day use.

He had an emitter Quirk. On the right side of his body he could create and mold ice. On the left side his father's flames ran rampant, something else that filled him with an unbearable amount of rage.

And the person he was currently facing was a freak with a leopard Quirk. Golden-brown, yet spot covered fur covered a decent portion of her body. Whiskers adorned her face and a tail angrily lashed out behind her.

"Move aside or be frozen solid." He ordered, having no time for a mutant freak.

"My, my. Such arrogance for someone who's only a mere cub." The leopardess purred.

'And add that to the list.' Shouto thought. Adults who flirted with adolescents were another group of people who deserved to die.

Without warning, a glacier erupted from Shouto destroying everything in its wake. Dirt was overturned, trees uprooted and shredded and some stones shattered. And yet, the leopardess dodged with all the grace of the feline she looked like.

"My, aren't you a strong one. Is that glacier the only thing you're packing?"

A frown crossed Shouto's face as the temperature nearby began to plummet. He was going to freeze this feline bitch and leave her behind. He'd let frostbite finish her off.

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