Time Off.

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Tomura Shigiraki had failed in his mission to kill All Might, but that was to be expected.

Tomura was foolish, inexperienced and tended to act like a child. Hopefully, he would use today as a learning curve and grow.

But, what was unexpected was how strong some of the Hero students were. They were at most, fourteen or fifteen years old and had successfully fended off villains who were at a minimum double their age.

Sure, some children were injured, but if what his spy was saying was correct, then all this would do is make the children stronger.

"Tomura." The giant man said. "Your actions today were quite reckless. You've lost us our most powerful Nomu of current."

"Sorry Sensei." The young villain apologized.

"However, you have struck UA a blow that they will not recover from. I have spies in not only the student body of UA, but also amongst the staff. The Rat is currently in a panicked state, and is distracted."

A small look of relief washed over Tomura's face at his words.

"Right now, you have the advantage. The entirety of Hero Society is off balance. Use it wisely."

Tomura nodded and went to leave, stopping as his master cleared his throat.

"Both my daughter and your sister are hiding within UA's walls. I don't particularly care what you do with your sister, but I want my daughter back. Unharmed."

"Yes sir." Tomura replied.


Izuku's lungs currently did not like him. The cold, evening air burned them as he continued his jog.

He should have gone for the jog earlier in the afternoon when his sweat wouldn't have made him as cold. However, he preferred the night time jogs. Barely anyone was around, and he didn't get strange looks due to his arm.

Unfortunately, that did mean anyone he did encounter was most likely up to no good.

"Wow, lookie at this Napalmer." A gruff looking man said with a sinister smirk. "How much do you think the Good Doctor would pay for his body?"

"Depends how badly we fuck him up." The other person -Napalmer- replied.

On instinct, Izuku ducked, barely avoiding being touched by the red-hot  liquid.

Getting hit by something thrown by a guy called Napalmer did not sound like a good idea.

Outnumbered and unarmed, Izuku did the only thing he could do. He ran.

Unfortunately, the two villains had motorbikes, which they used to quickly close the gap between them.

"Oi! Get back here you fucking slut!" One of them yelled, whilst another reached out to grab him.

'This is where I die isn't it?' Izuku asked himself, sending a quick apology to his mother. He didn't mean to die on her.

"Jupiter Crash!" A young, feminine voice called out. There was a loud yell as something really heavy and really fast hit the pair of villains.

Looking back over his shoulder, Izuku saw a small, brown haired girl wearing UA Uniform standing over the villains.

Seeing as the villains were unconscious, Izuku doubled back to thank his saviour.

"You're Falling Boy aren't you?" The girl asked as Izuku came within earshot.


"UA Entrance Exam. You triped and nearly smashed your face in. I used my Quirk to stop you from falling."

"Uhh... Yeah. That's me." He replied, embarrassed to be reminded of that event.

"Did you pass?"

"Yes. Um... The name's Izuku Midoryia, Class 1-B."

"Ochacko Uraraka. Class 1-A."

The two teens shook hands, both happy to have officially met each other.

"Wait, 1-A! Isn't that the class that-"

"Yes. We were the ones that got attacked by villains." Uraraka replied, defensively.

Izuku couldn't blame her for her sudden defensive tone. Despite being the victims of the villain attack, a large chunk of the student body was blaming them for UA being closed for the next three days.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Some better then others."


Before they could continue their conversation, they were alerted to the presence of a large man leaning on a nearby wall.

Standing there, puffing away at a cigar was the Number Two Hero Endeavor.

"So." The flamming Hero said. "Which one of you two is responsible for this?" He flicked some ash towards the unconscious villains resting in a minor crater.

"Um... That would be me?" Uraraka replied.

Endeavour sighed and walked up to the pair of them, glaring down at them as he came to a stop.

"Using your Quirk outside of campus without the express permission from either a Hero, your teacher or without your provisional license is cause for UA to expel you."

The two teens gulped. This was bad. Was Endeavor going to tell Nezu?

"In fact, using your Quirk to injure someone is a crime. Even more so, using your Quirk to deal out justice without either the express permission of a Hero or a license makes you a Vigilante."

Tears welled up in Uraraka's eyes as her body began to tremble.

However, before either Uraraka or Izuku could reply, Endeavor simply picked up the two villans and threw them over his shoulder.

"Don't let me catch the two of you at this again. Understood?"

"Yes sir." They replied in unison.

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