⛫ Please don't make me put up all these walls ⛫

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All through dinner I sit on Jungkook's lap, greedily soaking up his attention. It's hard but I manage to escape the hyungs' notice by eating a few slices of bell pepper. I hate that I'm so happy when I'm with Jungkook. It's not fair to him, he only wants to be friends after all. And I shouldn't be this happy right now, I don't have time. I need to focus on work.

~ T ~ I ~ M ~ E ~ ~ ~ S ~ K ~ I ~ P ~

Today is a meeting day. We'll listen to the recording, decide if we're happy with it, then plan the music video.

In the meeting room, Namjoon plays the song for us. I feel dizzy and try not to swoon when it gets to Kook's part. Then it gets to mine . . . It's okay but compared to the others it sounds amateurish. I worked so hard only for it to still sound like this, I want to cry. Everything is spinning so I put my head down on the table hoping to sink right into the wood surface.

I hear voices around me but they sound muffled like I'm underwater and everyone else is on the surface. They're laughing. I would be too if I heard something that awful.

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