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24 : season 2 episode 1Low-Flying Panic Attackpart 2

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24 : season 2 episode 1
Low-Flying Panic Attack
part 2

"I like it in a cosy tea, but if you want tropical..." Terra trailed off as she saw Sky's bloody towel which was pressed tight against his stomach.

"What's happened?" She asked, walking over to us.

"Just a bit of sparring between friends." Riven patted Sky's back while glancing at Dane.

"What? You did this?" Terra scoffed, looking Dane up and down.

"Impressed?" He smirked in reply.

Terra rolled her eyes before tending to Sky.

"Oo, rejection. Gotta suck buddy." I teased, patting his chest as he glared at me.

"By the way, Bea wants to hang tonight. You game?" Dane asked Riven who was laughing at my teasing.

Riven looked down at me before answering.

"Go, I don't care who you sleep with, as long as you come back to me." I shrugged.

"Thank you." He leant down, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips before following Dane out of the greenhouse.

Terra watched me as she walked over to her small desk of supplies.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at her obvious disapproval.

"It's just, how do you not care that he's sleeping with other girls? I mean, that girl?" Terra shrugged, bandaging Sky up.

"Because I don't." I sighed. "Besides, you haven't heard the way he speaks to me."

"What do you mean?" Terra looked at me, finished with Sky who was now redressing.

"God, the way he begs for me. Fuck, you should hear the way he begs!" I shouted as I walked away.

"That's disgusting!" I heard her call after me.

"They're sending him to Polaris." Stella confirmed as we all sat within the shade of a large pine tree, discussing Silva's situation.

"Hm. So Beatrix wasn't lying." Bloom paced behind us.

"The Frozen North? It's like a death sentence." Musa commented.

"First Dowling, now Silva. She could do it to my dad at any time." Terra watched as Rosalind and Harvey walked round the school walls.

"Sam says he's putting on a good face for Rosalind. He's not happy about it-" Musa spoke.

"Isn't what he did self-defence? Andreas would've killed him if he didn't fight back. Who's his lawyer?" Bloom cut her off.

"You think a courtroom drama played out? Bloom, this isn't the First World. There was a tribunal, then a decree from the Queen." Stella shook her head.

"But if your mum made the decree, can she not unmake it?" Terra suggested making everyone turn to Stella.

"Even if we were speaking, she's not in the habit of changing her mind. It's happening tomorrow." She sighed.

"Andreas is leading the transfer. I heard them talking about it earlier." I nodded, plucking pieces of grass out the ground.

"We have to do something." Bloom decided.

"Like what? Slash the tyres on their cars? Face it, Bloom, there's nothing you can do." I rolled my eyes at her need to always get involved.

"Well, historically, letter-writing campaigns have proved very effective...but they do take time." Terra piped up.

"I'm not so much thinking in the letter-writing campaign realm. I'm...I'm thinking something active." Bloom smirked.

"Here we go again." I muttered making Stella laugh quietly.

"Felony-wise, going against Solaria is a pretty big step up from anything we got into last term." Musa warned.

"Going against Solaria isn't something you get into. Even if we wanted to, the Solarian Guard is brutal. They're focused and they-" Stella shook her head.

"And it's Silva. He is our only other link to Dowling. To how things used to be." Bloom knelt down, trying to get everyone on board.

"If we let them banish him, how longs it gonna before they find a reason to do the same with my dad?" Terra agreed.

"Just to be clear, we're talking like, full jailbreak, right?" Musa sat up straight, receding a nod from Bloom.

"Obviously, we can't tell Aisha, because she will try and stop us." Stella sighed.

"Yeah. Bloom already told me." Aisha appeared out of nowhere and joined us.

"If there's one thing I learned last term, it's listen to Aisha. Cause she's...she's usually right." Bloom spoke.

"For the record, I was against releasing Rosalind because it was a dumb idea. This, well, it's still a dumb idea, but at least if I plan it, it'll work. So, care to put your magic where your mouth is?" Aisha asked all of us.

Everyone agreed with nods or hums before turning to me.

"Ava? You in?" Musa asked.

"I'm gonna give this one a miss, thanks though." I stood up, leaving the girls behind me as I made my way to the specialist training site.

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