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08 : season 1 episode 3Heavy Mortal Hopespart 2

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08 : season 1 episode 3
Heavy Mortal Hopes
part 2

08 : season 1 episode 3Heavy Mortal Hopespart 2

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"So, it's like the perfect pear, right? What you want me to do? You know how it you ever wanna eat a pear, it's always rock solid, and you wait and you wait, and it's still a rock, and then you touch it one second later, and it's all rotten mush." Terra asked Miss Dowling from the front of the class.

Musa and Terra sat at the front next to each other while Bloom and Aisha sat a couple rows behind them.

I was sat right at the back of the class next to the ginger girl I had seen with Riven.

"I'm Beatrix." She held her hand out to me.

"I'm-" I started, shaking her hand.

"Ava, I know who you are. Everyone does. I mean, surviving two Burned One attacks that builds you a reputation after all." Beatrix smiled at me.

"Yeah well, it's not a reputation I want." I sighed as Beatrix placed her hands on either side of the small piece of metal that lay in front of her.

"Why?" Beatrix asked as she sent bolts of lightning from her hands to the metal making it slowly rise into the air where she then held it with the lightning.

"I don't enjoy the whispers people say behind my back." I shrugged as Miss Downing walked over to us.

"Impressive, Beatrix." Miss Downing spoke. "Keep it up."

"Got it, Miss D." Beatrix replied making Miss Dowling stop walking.

"Headmistress Dowling." Beatrix corrected herself making Miss Dowling clear her throat and walk over to my side.

"Your Grace." Beatrix muttered making me laugh a little.

"You, Miss Pierce, don't have your usual, run of the mill, elemental control. What you control is so much more powerful but so much more dangerous." Miss Dowling told me making me cringe at the sound of my last name, a couple of people looking at me with judgement written on their faces.

"You have the ability to control darkness. This can be many things such as the ability to control fear, to erase it...or make it grow. The ability to move with the shadows and to hide within them. Darkness has many meanings, all of which you control." Miss Dowling continued.

"Death, fear, shadows, the night and many more. What I want you to do is a simple task compared to your capabilities...your limits. I want you to picture what you fear most and I want you to erase it by picturing yourself conquering that fear." Miss Dowling instructed me.

I nodded letting her know I understood.

I held my hands out, my elbows resting on the table and I took a deep breath.

A large black cloud spread from my right hand to my left, incasing me, Miss Dowling and Beatrix.

I focused more and our blurry surroundings became clear.

I thought we would see me losing control or even a Burned One but instead it was my father.

My mind jumped back to the night of my father's death.

The night I killed him.

Our surroundings changed to that exact night.

It appeared as though we were a third person, watching the event take place.

A younger me ran into the image, I tensed as the Burned Ones surrounded me.

The blue light erupted from my body as I screamed, the Burned Ones' heads exploding and bodies dropping to the ground.

I sensed Miss Dowling's posture changed along with her emotion.

My dad came running over to me, holding me in his arms.

Things seemed to speed up as he stood up then when he pulled out the knife things returned to a normal pace.

The knife came plummeting down towards me and the same blue light shone again sending my father flying backwards into the tree.

I knew what was going to happen next and I didn't want Miss Dowling or Beatrix to see it but I couldn't make it stop.

The voice I had heard echoed all around us, a blue figure walked up behind the younger me, placing its hand on my shoulder.

It then muttered its instructions which I had followed exactly with no hesitation.

After I had killed my father the figure disappeared and I had ran off.

The image didn't change though.

After what felt like two minutes had passed my dad's body started to move.

He sat up, looking around.

His eyes landed on mine.

I wasn't sure if I had imagined this or not but then he stood up and walked over to us.

As he got closer my shoulder started to burn, the pain intensifying with every step he took.

"I'm coming for you Ava, you ruined my plan and now I'm coming for you. Watch your back, nothing can protect you. Not your precious barrier or your magic. You're weak just like your mother. You can't stop me." My father warned.

"It can't be." Miss Dowling muttered, letting me know she was seeing the same thing as me.

I blinked and suddenly we were back in the classroom as if nothing had happened.

"That's enough for today." Miss Dowling announced to the class who were sat watching us.

I sat staring at my hands, trying to process what I had just heard and seen.

"Ava-" Beatrix started but I cut her off by grabbing my bag and walking over to Miss Dowling who was at her desk.

"Miss Dowling." I spoke, catching her attention.

"Miss Pierce." Miss Dowling sighed.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked making her look at me, shocked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean." Miss Dowling replied, clearly confused.

"Don't...don't lie to me. I know there's something wrong with me. Every time I use my magic something goes wrong and it's not even normal elemental magic. It's-it's this weird darkness that's ruining my life." I told her as the last few people left the room.

"Listen, Ava, the power you possess is one fairies dream of, one that has been lost for centuries. Why you have this power, I don't know and I'm sorry that I can't help you...but I can give you some advice." Miss Dowling told me.

"The more you practice the better you become, and I know that's something everyone tells people to make them feel better but it's true. You can also improve control by creating an anchor. Find something or someone who helps you with control, whether that's mentally or physically." Miss Dowling suggested.

My mind immediately went to Riven.

"When you feel yourself losing control just picture your anchor. If that doesn't work come back and see me later."
Miss Dowling walked me to the door.

"Thank you." I smiled at her then left, my smile dropping straight away.

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